English Language corrections

Begonnen von crux, 28 Februar 2004, 04:44:52

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Here comes the first one :


line 110 : define("_NOVIEWEDMODULES","hided Modules");

define("_NOVIEWEDMODULES","hidden Modules");

line 115: define("_MODULEUSERS", "We are Sorry but this section of our site is for <i>Registered Users Only</i><br><br>You can register for free by clicking <a href=\"modules.php?name=User_Registration\">here</a>, then you can<br>access to this section without restrictions. Thanks.<br><br>");

define("_MODULEUSERS", "We are Sorry but this section of our site is for <i>Registered Users Only</i><br><br>You can register for free by clicking <a href=\"modules.php?name=User_Registration\">here</a>, then you can<br>access this section without restrictions. Thanks.<br><br>");

line 118: define("_HOMEPROBLEM","There is a big problem here: we have not a Homepage!");

define("_HOMEPROBLEM","There is a big problem here: we do not have a Homepage!");

line 131: define("_YEARS","Jahre");


line 157: define("_EMAILUS2","please choice one of the following sections.");

define("_EMAILUS2","please choose one of the following sections.");

line 164: define("_TUTGRAFICS","Grafics");


line 178 : define("_IMPRESSUM","Impressum");


line 189: define("_Who_is_online","Wer ist online");

define("_Who_is_online","Who is online");

line 192: define("_ALLMEMBERS","Tpo10 User");

define("_ALLMEMBERS","Top10 User");

line 194: define("_TOPUSERPUNKTE","Members with most Active");

define("_TOPUSERPUNKTE","Members with most Points");

line 234: define("_AB_TITLEBAR","Admin Menue");

define("_AB_TITLEBAR","Admin Menu");

Line 239-241

define("_BMXPRINTER","Druckbare Version");
define("_BMXFRIEND","Diesen Artikel an einen Freund senden");
define("_BMXBYTESMORE","mehr Zeichen");

define("_BMXPRINTER","Printer Friendly Version");
define("_BMXFRIEND","Email Article to a Friend");

More to come  ;)


Here comes another  ;) :


Line 21: define("_BWODISCRIBE","Here you can change messages with all Communitymembers of the $sitename Community.<br>The funnction based on all other known messengers and you must not stay on the $sitename HomePage!!");

define("_BWODISCRIBE","Here you can exchange messages with all Community Members of the $sitename Community.<br>The function is based on all other known messengers and you must not stay on the $sitename HomePage!!");

line 23 : define("_BWOMAAXONLINE","Who Online");

define("_BWOMAAXONLINE","Whois Online");

line 32 : define("_BWOPMSGUNREAD","unreaded");


Line 34 : define("_BWOTODAYMEMBERS","Register Today:");

define("_BWOTODAYMEMBERS","Registered Today:");

Line 35 : define("_BWOYESTERDAYMEMBERS","Register Yesterday:");

define("_BWOYESTERDAYMEMBERS","Registered Yesterday:");

line 38 : define("_BWOBUDDIE","maaX Messanger");

define("_BWOBUDDIE","maaX Messenger");

line 43 : define("_BWOASREGISTERED","Don't have an account yet? You can <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">create one</a>. As registered user you have some advantages like theme manager, comments configuration and post comments with your name.");

define("_BWOASREGISTERED","Don't have an account yet? You can <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">create one</a>. As registered user you have some advantages like theme manager, comments configuration and you can post comments with your name.");

line 46 : define("_BWSENDPM","PM send");

define("_BWSENDPM","Send PM");

line 49,50 :
define("_BWOGUESTBOOK1"," new Guestbookentry");
define("_BWOGUESTBOOK2"," new Guestbookentries");

define("_BWOGUESTBOOK1"," new Guestbook Entry");
define("_BWOGUESTBOOK2"," new Guestbook Entries");


another one ...  :D


line 48 : define("_AUTOACTIVATENOTIC", "<font color=red>Notice: at the moment all reviews are activated automatical.Change this value if needed in the config.php of the module!</font>");

line 48 : define("_AUTOACTIVATENOTIC", "<font color=red>Notice: at the moment all reviews are activated automatically.Change this value if needed in the config.php of the module!</font>");

line 245 : define("_AUTHORSADMIN","Author's Adminitration");

define("_AUTHORSADMIN","Author's Administration");

line 338 : define("_TOPICNAME2","(for example: gamesandhobbies)");

define("_TOPICNAME2","(for example: Games and Hobbies)");

line 374 : define("_NEWSMODULE","News-Modul Configuration");

define("_NEWSMODULE","News-Module Configuration");

Line 624 : define("_ENCYTERMSEDIT","Encyclopedia Terms Edit");

define("_ENCYTERMSEDIT","Edit Encyclopedia Terms");

Line 671 : define("_LINKAPPROVEDMSG","Your link suggestion for Web on the left of was released.");

define("_LINKAPPROVEDMSG","Your link suggestion was Approved and has been published.");

line 694 : define("_DANNO7","DownloadDetails:");

define("_DANNO7","Download Details:");

line 697 : define("_COSTUMNAVIBLOCKHID","- hided");

define("_COSTUMNAVIBLOCKHID","- hidden");

line 699 : define("_SETBAN","IP sperren");

define("_SETBAN","IP Ban");

line 700 : define("_ADMINBANCONFIG","Ip Sperren Administration");

define("_ADMINBANCONFIG","IP Ban Administration");

line 703 : define("_INFOHOWBAN"," You can block <b>unwanted users</b>, as long as they have the same IP. Please use this feature cautious. Don't forget to set a | between IP's.");

define("_INFOHOWBAN"," You can block <b>unwanted users</b>, as long as they have the same IP. Please use this feature cautiously. Don't forget to set a | between IP's.");

line 810 : define("_CENSOROPTIONS","Censure Options");

define("_CENSOROPTIONS","Censor Options");

line 894 : define("_uaAdminmenue","to the administrationmenue");

define("_uaAdminmenue","to the administration menu");

Line 898-899 : define("_uaAdminlogout2","(user log-on remains existing)");
define("_uaUserlogout2","(administrator log-on remains existing)");

define("_uaAdminlogout2","(user login remains existing)");
define("_uaUserlogout2","(administrator login remains existing)");

line 954 : define("_GB1","for User guestbookentry -Own Book-");

define("_GB1","for User Guestbook entry -Own Book-");

line 955 : define("_GB2","for Guestbookentry");

define("_GB2","for Guestbook entry");

line 975 : define('_AVATARUPLOAD', 'Avatar Upload Modul Settings');

define('_AVATARUPLOAD', 'Avatar Upload Module Settings');

line 988 : define("_WDOWNLOADADMINHEAD","Download Module Administration Site");

define("_WDOWNLOADADMINHEAD","Download Module Administration Page");

line 1019 : define("_WLINK_POPULAR","How many hits need a link to be listed as popular?");

define("_WLINK_POPULAR","How many hits does a link need to be listed as popular?");

line 1045 : define("_ADMIN_GODCREATEOK","Succsessful created superuser account.");

define("_ADMIN_GODCREATEOK","Successfully created superuser account.");

line 1083 : define("_ADMIN_WARNDOUBLEMOD2","' exist twice!");

define("_ADMIN_WARNDOUBLEMOD2","' exists twice!");

[Edited on 28/2/2004 by crux]


Hi crux :)

thanks for your great work :genie:

We will consider your changes in the next release.
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


I would also like to suggest using 7-zip format for distribution instead of the usual zip format  http://www.7-zip.org.

it reduces the size to about 1/4th to that of the zip.

i would also like to send you all the graphics used in vkpMx 2.1 which have been optimized from 1% to 80% in size.

can you please let me know where to send them to.

I will also be sending you the english translations for all the files including the database  ;)

can we also try jpcache ..  http://www.jpcache.com/ Benchmarks :  http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/535/2001/3/0/5454687/

Prakash Shetty


First of all, thanks for your work :)

ZitatI would also like to suggest using 7-zip format for distribution instead of the usual zip format  http://www.7-zip.org.

it reduces the size to about 1/4th to that of the zip.

Nope, sorry, definitive not:
7-Zip works in Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Command line version of 7-Zip can be used in Linux via Wine program.

We changed the archiver from rar to zip so that also any mac and *nix-User can unarchive without any problem, with this special format it would be worser than rar I think.

Zitati would also like to send you all the graphics used in vkpMx 2.1 which have been optimized from 1% to 80% in size.

can you please let me know where to send them to.

I will also be sending you the english translations for all the files including the database  ;)

You are wellcome :)

Zitatcan we also try jpcache ..  http://www.jpcache.com/ Benchmarks :  http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/535/2001/3/0/5454687/

Prakash Shetty

No, sorry. I think you can use jpcache with the vkpMx, but we can´t use it as an "official extension" link Zend-Optimizer, Turck-MMCache or Sourceguardian because jpcache does not offer a php-encoder to encrypt/decrypt source-code,  sorry :(