forum problems

Begonnen von louciano, 21 März 2002, 11:33:39

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


i got 2 problems with my forum.
Fisrt visit my site:

1) I wanted to put the forum in my homepage like did.
But the problem is that i get
[ Forums ]

2) When i activated the block to be at the center of the page a block at the left of my page exist saying

[ Forums ]

Help! What am i doing wrong here??? :cry


Also if i click on the [ Forums ] i receive this message:

Sorry, this Module isn't active!

[ Go Back ]

Altough the module IS Activated.
But if i click XForums on the main menu at the left which is the modules block the link works fine.
Isn't strange?


i have auch many probleme in my pocket !
the money is not zu finden !
can you help me !
it was very fine you send me lot of 1000 euro marks of my konto !
dann werde ich wieder very lucky sein !

thank you



Hi louciano
i cant visit your Site, the Site lost connection to database !

and we have a SILLY MAN in our Forum :)

what do you mean my site lost the database? :(
My site is up and working fine. The problem is that i cannot get the forum in my homepage  :puzz


 now the site  works fine :) so the problem that the site was away  arent now :) Think the Server was  minutes down :O)  ok
 we take a look


i see the problem
so two ways  now :
 First  see your seetings.php in modules/XForum/
 so search this lines:
Zitat$gzipcompress = "off";
$boardurl = "";
$coppa = "off";
the coppa and compresiion must be  disabled!!!!!!!Change it and load settings.php on your Space.
so  if this  not give a positiv result !
 you deleted all tables in database and  delete the Files XFORUM on Space.
 than make it new   and take a look of the  Chmods and dont  load the PICS in  ASCII Modus on server! Make a new install  and it must be work than!
Pls  take a look if you use the right Version of NukeXForum  for your Site!
And than give messages pls :)
[Bearbeitet am: 22/3/2002 von Admin FrankySZ]

i did what you said but i havent yet a positive result.
Now i will go and delete my db tables and then reinstal xforums. Just hope to be working then.
Thanks for any help
Louciano :puzz

 :( :puzz :cry I did them all, ideleted the db,i created another tables, i deleted all the xforum files in the mofule directory and i reupload all the files but i still got the same problem,..... :cry
Can anyone help me??? :cry


 yes we help you !
PLS  send us  ypur complete WebPortal (all files you have on Space) and an SQL DUMP from your Database. so we will install  ypour Version on our Server and try test it and we build the Forum than in your Site. So we can  take a look where the Problems running!
Or give us per Mail Access to your FTP and  Database. You can choice which way :)  so  mail :

i send you my site with some suggestions to improve VKP.
Thanks for any help,
You are making great work!
Louciano :P ;)

have you received my site?
I have send it to your email you gave me?


Thx , but you send the Mail without an attach ! so pls  send again :)
You have a Problem with cookie on our Site : pls logout  and start a new Explorer and login again . Than you are register in Forum too!
And  we wait for the Attach