Pragmamx 2.9.2 found problems

Begonnen von le Chaland, 12 Januar 2025, 17:48:24

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le Chaland

Hello, i open this thread for centralize found problems with pragmaMx 2.9.2

Maybe they are only on my side, maybe no ...

Open to others users if needed to add news ones.

The goal is not to overwhelm or criticize someone, but to help detection and resolution of bugs.

- In the menu admin panel, i am unable to choose the order of any item, i need to edit the sql database to change the priority.
Three items in this menu. :

- Here, the aera for pragmMx news point to my admin.php file, not logged :

- Another problem, with media manager :

Olaf / TerraProject

1. Menu manager:
that is a problem with your theme

2. pragmaMx-News:
I don't understand the problem.....

3. Media Manager
That is a problem with installations on a local web server under Windows. Windows (depending on the configuration) cannot use all functions


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le Chaland

Thank you for your response ...

1. Tried with the 3 admin theme avaible and always the same. Also tried to change public theme (arctlite2) with one more recent who is pragmamx 2.9 compatible, same thing. Purged cache, enabled html5, same thing.

Any file where i can check ?

2. Maybe a restriction whith my web host who block outgoing connections, what do you think ?

Here too, any file to look inside ?

3. This installation is online, and i use and android web browser, opéra to naviguate. Never got problem with javascript anywhere.

Thank you again.

Olaf / TerraProject

1. I tried it with mobile devices, Android and iOS, browser Edge, Firefox.
No problem found.
Please make sure that you have all the files and that all files have been overwritten by the update

2. Yes, some providers do not allow access to other websites in the background.

3. I'll have to check that out... I haven't seen it before with online installations.


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le Chaland


Indeed, under Android and with Firefox, the three problems disappear.

It seems that the problem comes from the official Opera browser. Unless it is also linked to the webkit version of my Android system.

If you find a moment to try:

I also administer a site under pragmamx 2.8.6. Some time ago, I had no problem with the administration of the order of the menu items. Now yes. In the meantime Opera has had updates ...

I tried an experiment: Update the jquery.js and jquery.min.js library files from the latest official versions. I then noticed that the pragmamx news window worked differently: It pointed to a blank page containing a short text about the latest version of the CMS.

Which makes me think that the problem with opera maybe comes from these libraries. They are old and maybe Opera is starting to no longer manage them correctly by following the new standards.

Maybe a sign that it is needed to consider supporting these new jquery libraries before this spreads to other browsers ...

In any case, by playing the sorcerer's apprentice, I now have other new problems, I will not bother you with them, but I think I ended up shooting my pragmamx installation ..

So I left to do a new installation starting from zero, this time using Firefox, of course.

I will come back to do a quick review.

Thank you for your support.



j'ai une page blanche quand je vais sur votre site :

le Chaland


Content de croiser un utilisateur francophone  :hi:

Normal, je vais repartir de zero et j'ai donc tout éffacé, y compris la base sql que je pense corrompue. Je verrais ce week end si je trouve un moment.

En attendant, oui, il y à juste un index.html vide ...

Bien à vous.


le Chaland

Theme pmx_base -> lang french in admin folder -> remove line 43 and line 91. No more empty page, theme admin working now.

le Chaland

Theme default-pmx_flex_bw -> same problem, same solution. Did not checked other languages files.


Theme pmx_base -> lang french in admin folder -> remove line 1 to 42 and line 92.
Theme default-pmx_flex_bw -> same problem, same solution.

le Chaland

Overwrite these languages files with this content :


 * This file is part of
 * ......................
 * for pragmamx (
 * $Revision 1.0 $
 * $Author: TerraProject $
 * $Date: 2014-03-07 13:28:11 $
define("_THEME_MENU","Menu en-tête");
define("_THEME_FOOTMENU","Menu pied de page");
define("_THEME_FOOTMENU_TXT","Dans le pied de page, un menu sera affiché. Spécifiez le nom de ce menu. Si le champ est vide, aucun menu ne sera affiché.");
define("_THEME_SOCIAL_SETTINGS","Réglages des liens.");
define("_THEME_FACEBOOKLINK","Lien Facebook");
define("_THEME_RSSLINK","Flux RSS");
define("_THEME_TWITTERLINK","Lien Twitter");
define("_THEME_COLOR","Palette de couleurs");
define("_THEME_PEREX","Perex-Block ?");
define("_THEME_BANNER_HEAD","Banniêre d'en-tête ?");
define("_THEME_BANNER_FOOT","Banniêre de pied ?");

define("_THEME_FACEBOOKLINK_TXT","Saisissez ici le lien vers la page Facebook. Avec 'http: //'. Si le champ est laissé vide, le bouton ne sera pas affiché.");
define("_THEME_TWITTERLINK_TXT","Saisissez ici le lien vers la page Twitter. Avec 'http: //'. Si le champ est laissé vide, le bouton ne sera pas affiché.");
define("_THEME_RSSLINK_TXT","Saisissez ici le lien vers le flux RSS. Si le champ est laissé vide, le bouton ne sera pas affiché.");
define("_THEME_BREADCRUMP","Breadcrump ?");
define("_THEME_DEF_TEXT","Contenu additionel.");
define("_THEME_CONTENT_TEXT","Ce texte est affiché sous la zone de contenu. ");
define("_THEME_FOOT_TEXT","Ce texte est affiché dans la zone pied de page. ");
define("_THEME_TOP_TEXT","Ce texte est affiché dans la zone en-tête de page.");
define("_THEME_BLOCKS","Réglages des blocs.");
define("_THEME_BLOCKS_TXT","Saisissez les modules (séparés par des virgules) pour lesquels les barres latérales ne doivent pas être affichées. Les paramètres <a href=\"admin.php?op=settings\" >globaux</a> des blocs remplacent ces paramètres !");
define("_THEME_BLOCKS_LEFT","Blocs de gauche");
define("_THEME_BLOCKS_RIGHT","Blocs de droite");
define("_THEME_BLOCKS_BOTH","Les deux blocs") ; 
define("_THEME_CUSTOM_CSS","Editer le css personnalisé.");
define("_THEME_CUSTOM_CSS_TXT","Modifiez le .css personnalisé de ce thème. Ces paramètres CSS remplacent tous les autres paramètres du thème.");
define("_THEME_SOCIALSET","Choix du thême.");  


@Olaf :
The hyperlink admin.php?op=settings seems to be neutralized and not working. I keep it despite everything.

Tested on the two themes in the installation package but, as i downloaded more themes, tested then and faced sometimes this issue, i think it can be appliable to more themes.

Olaf / TerraProject

yes.... fixed in the next Revision.


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le Chaland

One question :

On mobiles devices, i switch often between mobile and desktop display modes. This to controls and checks. The problem is that in each modes, logins states are not keeped and it is needed to enter everytime new login. This ends up becoming restrictive. Is there a solution to avoid this ?

Another thing:

Using firefox has solved some issues, however I still have a problem with the file manager: When I edit a message and want to insert an image, I click on "browse the server" but I get an error message: bad configuration of the backend unreadable volume.

media folder chmod 777 done
no problem with the media manager in admin

Olaf / TerraProject

The browser type and operating system are used for the session. Therefore, the mobile phone and the PC receive different sessions.


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le Chaland

I was talking about switching beetwen desktop and mobile modes on the same browser on the same mobile device. But i guess this equal, two differents sessions and no way to unify then ?

More embarrassing, have you an idea for my backend issue. This makes writing articles or posts limited. Known issue or only on my side ?

Thanks  :hi: .

le Chaland

Guten Abend.

Beim Bearbeiten eines Textes (hier einer Nachricht) ist es möglich, die Quelle zu bearbeiten und HTML-Code einzufügen. Es scheint, dass Smyleys UTF-8-Codeeinfügung [Beispiel: &#128521] Probleme verursacht. Wenn dies tatsächlich beim ersten Mal während der SQL-Aufzeichnung berücksichtigt wird, wird jede nachfolgende Änderung des Textes nicht aufgezeichnet, bis der UTF-8-Code des Smyleys entfernt wird.

Entschuldigen Sie die Eingabeaufforderung, aber gibt es eine Möglichkeit, den Fehler ,,Backend nicht lesbar" zu beheben, den ich im Editor erhalte, wenn ich versuche, den Server zu durchsuchen, um ein Bild einzufügen?

Ich hoffe, dass Google Translate mein Französisch richtig und verständlich übersetzt hat.


le Chaland

This is a strange behavior. Yestersay i had only backend errors. This night, i just have a blank page, and just one time, it worked as expected. I changed nothing. Admin, files, nothing  :technigg:

le Chaland

Okay ...

Remember i work on tablet android, not on a computer.

I was on desktop mode on the browser (firefox)

- Access to media files through the editor, not working.
- Switched to mobile mode/view in the web browser, need new login ...
- Then, access to media file is working.
- Back to desktop mode, login again ...
- Backend error is back.

Access to media files directly, through the admin menu, work fine in all conditions. Maybe because in this case it not appear in a new window/tab but directly in the admin panel.

One other thing, in opera browser, when writing anything and trying to insert an image, there is not the option to browse the server, only the case for enter an url.

Hope thats help to resolve.

Time for the bed ...

Thank you.

le Chaland

This is certainly unrelated but I have a double slash in the url:


Olaf / TerraProject

Your explanations help me find the error. I will work on it.


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