echo Hello World; fprintf(STDERR, Goodbye, World!); Hallo Volker;

Begonnen von Webfan, 21 Januar 2015, 06:17:37

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Zitat"Mit Stimmungskanonen auf humorlose Vögel schießen ist wie Bier vergießen!"



Dear Publisher,

We have now verified that we are no longer detecting PII being passed to Google from the account(s) under your control.

Thank you for helping to resolve this matter.


The Google Policy Team

ZitatDear Publisher

Google recently sent you an email in English from, with the subject of "policy breach notice," regarding personally identifiable information.

The message was sent in error; we would like to convey our sincerest apologies for the alarm that this must have caused you and your colleagues.

You do not need to take specific action on this erroneous message however, due to the dynamic nature of publisher monetization we encourage you to periodically review our resources regarding PII.

As you know, our policies prohibit partners from sending us data that could be recognized or used by our systems as personally identifiable information. When we learn of violations, we notify the publisher and take swift action.

We know that you take user data and our program policies very seriously, and this message must have caught you off guard. For more information about the specific policies that govern passing PII to Google, and tips for continuing to keep your account compliant, please visit our help center.

Thank you,

Stephen, Amy, Geoff and Rebecca
Google Publisher Policy Team

ZitatLiebe(r) Stephen, Amy, Geoff and Rebecca,
ach, das kann doch jedem mal passieren, kein Problem.

Viele Grüße
Otto Mühl, (österreichischer Mahlerpraktikant)

"Nur wegen Google und meinem nach Katzepisse stinkenden Praktikanten muß ich mich jetzt über Otto Mühlen informieren, und ich muß sagen ich seh da gar nichts sektenhaftes, das sind ganz normale Junkies, mein Schwager auch."




ZitatNaturkonstanten sind nur solange konstant solange man sie bezahlt
- Harald Lesch