Moving to a new host

Begonnen von PaulK, 03 August 2003, 13:31:23

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I wish to move my site (VKP Maxi 1.0 Release Edition) to a new host.

Can you give me some tips on what to do, my new host uses a different file structure.

I hope to move the site then update my nameservers so my visitors go to the new host.

Thanks for any help, sorry for my lack of German :)



Hi Paul,

first thing you should do is making a backup of your database on the "old" host (a dump) and than import this dump into your new database. If an anyhost-access is possible to the new database (which would be very good for this movement from one server to the other), you should than change the database-setting of your OLD site from "localhost", "databasename" a.s.o. to the NEW database "", "newusername" a.s.o.

By this way you can be shure, that both systems, the old and the new one will use the same database and you can´t lose informations.

After you have done this, make a backup via ftp or ssh of your old site (if you don´t have an up2date copy on your hdd) an upload it to your new server. Change the values in the config.php to the new database-settings (here you can use normaly "localhost" as database-server which increase the speed a bit) and your system should run on the new server with the new database.

Now you can change the dns-settings. But please make shure, that for a time of at least 5 days both sites are available, especially the old site. Because of the dns-caching worldwide it will take this time until really all visitors will be forwarded to your new site. Believe me, otherwise some visitors will be really disappointed.

Hope this will help you ;)