Porting a new addon content modules?

Begonnen von jefsq, 05 April 2002, 00:39:55

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Hello! I found a version of the content modules for phpnuke 5.5 that has been re-coded for postnuke .703 called subjects1.1 I have tried to get it to work in phpnuke 5.5 but the coding is above my level The demo is here url:


download here:


The author does not have the time to port the modules yet and needs help?


hi jefsq,

please ask our User drunkenseb, so i know he's progging a complete new contentmodul with subcatogories and other great features.
I think it comes near the subjects from your link...

cu FrankySZ[Bearbeitet am: 5/4/2002 von Admin FrankySZ]
greets Franky