Controlling user registration? (English)

Begonnen von Beast, 30 November 2002, 10:28:21

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I am using VKP-Maxi and would like all new user registrations to come through me (God) for approval before the user is created. Is there anyway to do this, or to disable new registration completely (so that only the admins can create new users)?




Currently have the VKP-M this Feature not.

This come in the next Version "Pragma MX". (first Preview Dezember this Year)


Hallo Beast !
to diable die user-reg completly, you have to change
it manually in the source-code from the YourAccount-module.
Even if you want to redirect the user-reg to the god-admin.
You can disable the links to new-user-reg and pw-lost so
nobody can reg himself
line 500 (+-)
Zitat."<center><font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=pass_lost\">"._PASSWORDLOST. "</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user\">"._REGNEWUSER."&l t;/a> ]</font></center>\n";
comment this out to hide the links (you only hide the links!)


Thanks for the quick reply jubilee! You've done it again :)

I changed the lines and the links are now hidden. I also had to edit some of the lines in /language/lang-english.php and /language/maaXoN/lang-english.php to remove all links.

What I would like to do is also make the email come to the admins email address, and not the new user, so the new user doesn't get the password unless the admin forwards it on. Is that possible? I presume it is in /modules/YourAccount/index.php somewhere.

Thanks again for your help!
