VKP-Maxi Install problems (English)

Begonnen von Beast, 22 November 2002, 15:28:07

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.



Thanks for making such a fantastic webportal! I've been using VKP 5.5 for many months now and love it.

I have been trying to upgrade my VKP 5.5 website with various levels of success.

Here are the steps I have taken, and also the problems I have encountered:

1. Backed up HTML and DB (MySql)

2. Copied all files from the html directory of vkp_maxi_RC1_28.07.2002_21.09.rar to my html directory.

3. Chmod 777 everything from /html/-->.

4. Surfed to website and followed instructions. Clicked on English Install, clicked on Upgrade from VKP 5.5.

5. All the correct DB info was extracted from my config.php. Clicked on Update Database.

6 . PROBLEM:  :mad: There was briefly a message about an error with line 55 of 'upgrade_VKP55_VKPMaxi_en.php'. (The same happens even if I try the German install).

7. On the next page I get the following notice:
Es sind nichtkritische Fehler aufgetreten!
Fehler ansehen

And the following is dumped in the sql_error.log:

Zeile : 309
Can't DROP 'lastpost'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 310
Can't DROP 'name'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 311
Can't DROP 'posts'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 312
Can't DROP 'theme'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 322
Can't DROP 'username'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 323
Can't DROP 'regdate'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 324
Can't DROP 'postnum'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 363
Can't DROP 'dateline'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 364
Can't DROP 'tid'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 365
Can't DROP 'fid'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 366
Can't DROP 'author'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 379
Can't DROP 'stars'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 380
Can't DROP 'posts'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 383
Can't DROP 'lastpost'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 384
Can't DROP 'dateline'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 385
Can't DROP 'fid'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 386
Can't DROP 'subject'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 387
Can't DROP 'views'. Check that column/key exists


Zeile : 388
Can't DROP 'author'. Check that column/key exists


8. I then delete the 'setup' folder and index.htm.

9. I then copy the files from 'html_after_update' to my html folder and once again chmod 777 them.

10. The website now seems to function fine.

11. Now I want to put SERVCIE PACK 1 on and I start to get problems.  I copy all the files from VKP-Maxi_RC1_SP_1.0.12.rar into my html directory and again chmod 777 everything.

12. Now lots of things seem to be broken.

- If I click on eBoard I get "Table 'nuke.nuke_eBoard_whosonline' doesn't exist".
- If I try admin login (admin.php) I get "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: opentableal() in /var/www/html/includes/version.php on line 19"
- If I try jumping straight to an admin module (ie:admin.php?op=Configure) I get this error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: opentableal() in /var/www/html/admin/modules/settings.php on line 45"

Basically, there are a variety of broken functions after I drop SP1 in. Is this because I upgraded from VKP 5.5 and my database structure wasn't changed correctly?

I tried a clean install of Maxi and noticed the database was a bit different in structure to the one that was upgraded from 5.5. I'm still having some problems with my clean Maxi install, but I'll leave that for another post!

Would it help if I posted the contents of my php.ini?

Any help would be appreciated.




Ok, excellent! It will be good to see how you do it, so that I can convert other 5.3 themes in future!

Thanks again jubilee :)

I'm going to use a 5.5 theme for now, I await the modified military theme with much appreciation. Take as much time as you need, you have already done too much!


Hello Beast !
The opentableal-problem :
After the upgrade to the VKPMxxx you have to modify all
Theme-Files you use (theme.php)
You will finnde the file(s) in /themes/YourUsedThemes/theme.php.
Insert these functions (after opentable () or opentable2()   )
Zitatfunction OpenTableAl() {
global $bgcolor1;
echo "<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"ff0000\" align=\"center\"><tr><td>\n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><tr><td>\n";

function CloseTableAl() {
echo "</td></tr></table>\n</td></tr></table>\n";
caution : you have to modify every theme you use.


Thanks jubilee,

That seesm to work, but the site has developed another problem which I need to deal with first.

As I was having no luck with SP1, I left the site as it was (VKP-Maxi) and spent a few hours configuring it with new blocks etc. Then I thought it would be a good idea to back it up, so I copied the html folder to my local disk, and used Webmin to backup the MySql database.

Now, I am unable to login to the site! If I login as a normal user, I get told:

Access Denied
You are trying to access to a restricted area.

We are Sorry but this section of our site is for Registered Users Only
Even though the user clearly IS registered and has been using the site before.

If I login as admin, I get taken to the admin page as normal, but if I try and use any module or admin page, I get taken to the admin login screen again?!

I thought I might be able to fix it by applying SP1 and then adjusting the theme.php as you suggested, but if I do that and then try to login as admin I just get a completely white page. :(

Any help will be most appreciated, thanks,


Ok I've tried a few things, but I'm still having problems.

I think this could best be described as a login loop problem.

With a normal user, I get an access denied message.

With a admin I get to the admin control panel (all the icons) but selecting anything takes me back to admin login.

I have tried removing all cookies for the site and I still get the same problem.

I am accessing the site from a WinXP machine.

The server is local (beside me) and is using:

PHP 4.06
MySQL 3.23.41
Apache 1.3.22

Any idea how I get rid of this login loop problem?

Would it be because I had an admin and user with the same name in VKP 5.5?

I have tried to login as the super admin (god) who does not have a user with the same name, but I still get the loop problem.

Thanks in advance for any help


Hi Beast !
Do you use one of the standardthemes (one of the themes you can download
from this site).
Other question: Can you see the copyrightnotice at the end of the page
(Site based on VKP-Maxi - Å  2002 & pOWERED by : maax-design |  fsz-design |  micro's home |  shiba-design ) ?
If not, you have to use one of the standardthemes or you have to modify
the theme that you are current use. (at the end of the function themefooter()
there must be a function call to  footmsg() , that must be nearly the last line
in the themefooter () - function ).
Maybe that helps



Yes, everything jubilee told you is correct, please make shure  that you modify you themes on this way.

With your intall-errors:
when upgrading an old VKP 5.5 to the VKP-M, the update-script tries to modify the old XForum. It seems so, that you doesn´t have installed the XForum anymore, so the update-script can´t modify the table-structure of the old XForum to the eBoard. That´s why your eBoard isn´t running. If you want to use the eBoard as forum, than you have to download it as module from here (section "VKP Downloads -> eBoard") and follow the install-manual.

After updating an old VKP 5.5, you have to copy the content of the "html_after_update"-directory into your "html"-directory AFTER the update is done. Have you done this according to the manual?

The Login-Loop is one part of the copyright-protection, therefore it is very important that the footer of the VKP-M is shown correctly (what standard-Themes won´t do without modifications).
On your local system, do you have php-sessions enabled in the php.ini? Read the VKP-manual to get more information about this .....

Have you tried another browser? The IE cause sometimes cookie-handling problems. Try Netscape or Mozilla ....

Hope anything will help you a bit more to fix your problems ... maybe all, we´ll see ;)

[Editiert am 23/11/2002 von SiteAdmin Tequila]


Thank you both for your help!

At the moment everything is working much better. I am NOT using SP1 yet, as I am afraid I will break my site(s) again :(

@jubilee... yes I had changed to a new theme that did not have the 'footmsg()' in it.

@Tequila... I did have XForum in my VKP5.5 install, so I still don't know why it couldn't drop those tables, but everything is working fine so it doesn't really matter.

I think the login loop problems I was having were to do with cookies. Which brings me to my last problem....

I have two sites, one nested inside the other:


They both are running VKP-Maxi, Website A was the upgrade from VKP5.5 and Website B is a clean install of VKP-Maxi.

If I log into Website A, it shows up as a user online in Website B (even though the two use completely different databases) and I have problems logging into Website B from then on.

If I want to log into Website B, I have to logout completely from Website A, delete the cookie the Website B created and then start the browser and login. After that it works fine until the next time I log into Website A :(

Is there some way to alter the cookies so they don't interfere with each other?


Hello Beast !
Sure that is a cookie-problem.
Not sure how to fix that (maybe we can't). Maybe you have to wait to the first release from this Site what completly uses sessions instead of cookies.
But i cannot tell you when it comes (maybe some of the other admin can).


Hi, I think this problem is related to the theme issue described above and the copyright protection built into VKP-Maxi.

I have a theme I REALLY REALLY like, but I don't know how to modify it to show the copyright notice :(. The theme's name is 'Military' and it uses a footer.html (as well as header.html, blocks.html, center_right.html, left_center.html, story_home.html, story_page.html). The footer section in theme.php looks like this:
Zitatfunction themefooter() {
    global $index, $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $foot4;
    if ($index == 1) {
   $tmpl_file = "themes/military/center_right.html";
   $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
   $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
   $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
   print $r_file;
    $footer_message = "$foot1<br>$foot2<br>$foot3<br>$foot4";
    $tmpl_file = "themes/military/footer.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;

The problem I am having is with new users. When they go to the site they see the military theme ok, and they register ok. When they try to login, they get access denied. Even if they delete their cookies the problem is still there.

To get them access, I have to revert the site to another theme (like MF_vkp55_Clouds) and then they can log in. After they have logged in once, I can change the theme to military and they can continue to log in, but new users can't.

This is strange, as even if their personal theme is set to 'military', they can still log in so long as the main theme is set to MF_vkp55_Clouds.

Can anyone think why I am having this problem?



Hi Beast.
If you want, you can send me the theme and i will modify it
(if possible  ;)     )
You can use the following mail-address


Thank you VERY VERY much!

Email is on its way!



Hi again !
It is not impossible, but it will take some time.
It is an old Nuke 5.3 theme. Maybe at the end of the week
i will have a new build theme for you,
because suggest to build the theme new so that php and html are not split
in several files.
i will let you now when iam ready


Hi beast !
Check your e-mail !
You will find a username/password for my testsite.
Your theme is the standardtheme for this user.
Check it and tell me if anything is wrong.
If it is o.k. i will send it via e-mail to you.