I cannot enter the admin panel

Begonnen von Eren Aslan, 02 November 2023, 00:26:52

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Eren Aslan


I couldn't figure out exactly what the problem is in the system.
I know the admin and password, I write it and it says it is wrong.
I checked the admin name and username from the required table (_authors  ) in the database.
I can't find the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions or help?

Kind regards

Olaf / TerraProject

  • go to MySQL database using PHPMyAdmin
  • go to the $prefix_authors table
  • delete the row with identifier 1 in the column "isgod" (This is usually the first line)
  • then call your URL with myurl.tdl/admin.php
  • you are expected to create a new admin


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Eren Aslan

thank you very much olaf
Kind regards