SiriusGallery 1.8. - Ungereimtheiten und Fehler

Begonnen von Olaf / TerraProject, 20 September 2012, 09:20:33

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Olaf / TerraProject

hi Shorty,

please check the Settings : "max Images for Admins"
When you logged in as user, then the user settings are available.

otherwise send me a screenshot of the output/error


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Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!


re  :smile:

I've try to changer this parameter but it's not change,
i think the problem can come for the parameter who set the number of image users can send.
each time i to enter number into the champ, it come back empty after saving.
I think it's not normal...

Thanks for your help.


Do you try the upload as admin or as user... thats important for the settings.

Perhaps it helps, if you make the upload of the update new. Perhaps, there is something wrong.

Try this, and then take the settings so, that ever image is allowed. Then you see, were the mistake can be (sorry for my bad english)

best regards


 Thanks for your response
I've tried both.
With a user an account and with and admin account account and the problem is the same.
I can't see the champs for select the files on my computer..  :gruebel:
I've tried to increase the number of picture and albums allowed for group members but it's don't change the problem.

Thanks for your help


What are your settings by "max. Anzahl Uploads" you find it by "Benutzereinstellungen" Perhaps you have there the Nummer 0. Then you don´t see a field for the upload.

Have you try the fdp-upload? And the Multi Upload. Did this work?

best regards


I see your pictures:
In "Nombre d'envois à la fois" must be an number bigger than 0. Here you can set the numbers of the upload fields. Now it is empty.


 Thanks for your help  :smile: :smile: & sorry for response late.
exact, i think it's the problem  :puzzled:
but i don't know why ?
Ive try with a new install on another website and i got the same problem  :cool: