phpFreeChat - Web2.0 AJAX free chat for PragmaMx

Begonnen von algebre, 17 Dezember 2010, 15:05:00

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phpfreechat  bridge for "pragmaMx" 1.11 and 1.12


upload extracted archive in your site root while keeping the directory structure

for pragmaMx 1.12 users:
-- The script create one table automatically in your DB
-- For administrators : the debug mode must be OFF

before downloading take a look at  system requirements


Zitatpfc < 1.0-beta5 funktioniert nicht unter Apache, wenn das ,,suphp"-Modul aktiviert ist.

Funktioniert also nur auf Servern mit PHP als Apache-Modul statt als CGI oder wenn der Hoster "vergessen" hat, suphp zu implementieren, obwohl er PHP als CGI nutzt. Dürfte also auf den meisten modernen Servern eher nicht laufen. Natürlich gibt es auch gute Server, die PHP als Apache-Modul  nutzen, da es (leider) noch Software gibt, die das brauchen. Zeitgemäß ist das aber nicht mehr.
Webhosting für pragmaMx
Wer Butter will soll Butter kaufen, statt stundenlang auf die Milch einzudreschen und sich zu wundern, warum nur Käse rauskommt.

Eren Aslan


ZitatNot Work This Modul..
yes because this is only the bridge ,
You should download phpFreeChat from here
extract the content then upload it to site-root/modules/phpfreechat/
after that, upload the bridge

Eren Aslan

Eren Aslan

phpFreeChat cannot be initialized, please correct these errors:

•_Mysql container: create database error 'Can't create database 'my db name'; database exists'_



I don't know why maybe you don't have "create permission"  in your server configuration

you can use file instead of database
open modules/phpfreechat/setting.php
change this line :

$ChatUseMysql = true;


$ChatUseMysql = false;

Eren Aslan


Modul İs Work .nick does not show the channel and writings ..



the configuration is cached in php file you should remove this file
disconnect from chat (goto other page)
wait about 5 minutes
go to chat and type as administrator /rehash


It works fantastic.

For all, they will test this chat - here a tip:

1. download the phpfreechat
2. download the phpfreechat-bridge
3. create a folder "phpfreechat" in your "/modules" folder
4. make it writable (777)
5. upload the phpfreechat (only folders and files inside the downloadfolder)
6. upload the phpfreechat-bridge (Only files and folders inside the downloadfolder. The index.php from phpfreechat will be overwritten!)

At this point you can customize the settings.php before the module will be activate.

7. log in as admin in your site
8. activate the "phpchat"-module

The modulename "phpfreechat" can edited by "modules ... phpfreechat ... edit"

Humaniac |

Eren Aslan

Zitat von: algebre am 17 Dezember 2010, 20:04:44
the configuration is cached in php file you should remove this file
disconnect from chat (goto other page)
wait about 5 minutes
go to chat and type as administrator /rehash

did not. The problem is both Channel Recording done.
Where we do this, and server (example: ı



@Eren Aslan
sorry but this chat can not work in your site
take a look here and try some example
this is the standalone mode (without the bridge)

it return a very long error list.....
ZitatWarning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /home/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX/modules/phpfreechat/src/pfctools.php on line 180
ZitatWarning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1094 is not allowed to access /home/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX/modules/phpfreechat/src/pfcglobalconfig.class.php on line 1122

Finally, remove the module

Eren Aslan

The problem is the Host itself .. Thank you for everything ..
remove the pphfrechat modul my ftp.
