Calender module

Begonnen von Piedro, 15 März 2002, 23:34:55

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I did install your calender module in my phpnuke5.5 site. Everything looks normal and the module has been activated but as soon as I enter some dates and press the 'submit' button,I get this error: sorry, no such file exists... Maybe this addon only works with your modified version of phpnuke? Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?
Thanks :o


Hi Piedro,

please download this file and use the files in the folder  html/modules/Kalender/ but oly this.
Then your calendar must normally work right.
[Bearbeitet am: 16/3/2002 von Admin FrankySZ]
greets Franky


I tried the fix but it still doesn't work..
After pressing submit I get :'


All my files are uploaded in the httpdocs on my server, so it seems the calender module takes this directory for some reason. :quest


Hi Piedro,

i'ev checked the download a second time and insert some missing files for phpNuke5.5.
You can simply copy all files included in the zipfile in the folder html5.5 into your nukeinstallation, some files would be overwrited but this is ok...
For secret way compare the content of the included html5.5 folder and backup your existing files with the same names before copying.
I hope all your errors gone now...
greets Franky