Why there isn't any english language in official site?

Begonnen von farhad, 17 Februar 2007, 16:53:43

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


hello folks
i saw your cms and i should say only congratulations, and i love this great cms

but why there isn't any english language in this official site?
why there isn't any english documentation
why there isn't any support for english
and why there isn't any english advertising
and there isn't any community for this
:quest :red:


Well, it's easy to answer on this one.
We don't have any natives in our small group. And it's very difficult to support a product like this in a foreign language. So if English speaking people are interested in our cms and if they are able to translate German into English, please join us. Some guys have answered our call for help, but we are much to busy at the moment to come any further in this matter.


Kein Support über Mail, (ungefragter) PN oder ICQ, ausschließlich direkt im Forum!
Das ich so was mal schreiben muss;-)


thanx for the answer
my primary language is not english , it's persian
but for grow your cms and introduce it to world you might do this , because english is an international language and people of the world can join you by this common language , then for more developement , for more grow , do this  :)
good luck


Hi  ;)

-->the English language is already integrated into pragmaMx

Zitatbut why there isn't any english language in this official site?
why there isn't any english documentation
why there isn't any support for english
and why there isn't any english advertising
and there isn't any community for this

I thought the same thing for French, then I have create the French community  ;)

I think that is not the pragmamx team to adapt  in english, but the English users should make their own community PragmaMx.


Does this line from Diablo: 

-->the English language is already integrated into pragmaMx

mean that if I download it to use on my website, I can set the language to English and all features will be in English for my users? and hopefully the menus/instructions/help for me too?

I have been doing fine with my limited German ability and a translator program to decipher the forums, and I love this program from what I've seen, but it has to have English built into functionality for me to use it.

