KalenderMX1.4a and Phpnuke 7.5 - still hour-display problem

Begonnen von francescoinsvezia, 30 November 2004, 18:54:28

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hi folks,
sorry, but my german is terrible  ::)

I have just installed phpnuke 7.5 and kalendermx 1.4a on my Association´s website (http://www.asproma3.org - in italian) and i am still having problems with the hour display problem which i thought was fixed in rel. 1.4a

As you all can see by going to the above-mentioned website, if I place an event in the afternoon (let´s say from 14 to 16) it displays as start hour 02:00 . The event displays correctly in the list, but there is no way to get it to show the hour in the correct format. I tried both the english and the italian style, deleted all my cookies and restarted the browser to post a new entry, but it made no difference. Am I still missing something?





Why are you not using the vkpmX from pragmamx.org?
I think it would be the better decision ;)




see in the lang-***.php of kalender.


define("_CALTIMEFORMAT","%I:%M %p"); # ? AM/PM time


define("_CALTIMEFORMAT","%H:%M"); # ? AM/PM time