User GB

Begonnen von haydar, 28 April 2002, 21:07:09

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


kann mir einer sagen wie ich das User Gästebuch der vkp 5.5 gegen das userGB 1.4 auswechseln kann, da das vkp GB bei mir nicht mehr auf einträge reagiert. :quest

In der anleitung die ich unten drangehängt habe steht das ich in der user.php was ändern soll, nur gibt es doch denk ich keine user.php mehr in 5.5.


 *** File          :
 *** Purpose       : add-on for PHP NUKE 5.x
 *** Description   : add-on for User Info
 ***                 private Guestbook for users
 *** createt       : 02.02.2002
 *** Creator       : Mirko Glotz
 *** Web           :
 *** Mail          :
 *** change        : 15.04.2002
 *** by            : Mirko Glotz
 *** Version       : 1.4
 *** Bug Report to :
 *** File          : guestbook.php
 ***                 copy this File to webroot
 *** File          : usr_guestbook_lang-german.php
 ***                 add the lines from usr_guestbook_lang-german.php
 ***                 to your lang-%language%.php
 *** File          : sql_usrguestbook.sql
 ***                 create with this entries the new entries in your
 ***                 Nuke Database
 ***                                 -- or --
 ***                 Log in as Administrator to your NUKE Site
 ***                 Enter your NUKE URL /guestbook.php?op=install
 ***                 and you have created the new Table
 *** other         : modified user.php
 ***                 ---> in the Function userinfo <----
 ***                 search this Line:
 ***                 if (is_user($user)) { echo "<br>[ <a href=\"replypmsg.php?send=1&uname=$uname\">"._USENDPRIVATEMSG." $uname</a> ]<br>\n";
 ***                 if have you found then add this line
 ***                 echo "<br>[ <a href=\"guestbook.php?op=view&touser=$uname\">$uname"._GUESTBOOKPRIVMSG."</a> ]<br>";
 *** Optionen      : see the guestbook.php

 *** usergb 1.4 - Update Instructions from usergb 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 to 1.4
 *** 1. You are logged in as Administrator
 *** 2. replace the old guestbook.php with the new guestbook.php from the version 1.4
 *** 3. write in the Adress Line on your Browser your NUKE URL /guestbook.php?op=update1
 *** 4. End Update

 *** usergb 1.4 - Update Instructions from Original userguestbook from
 *** 1. You are logged in as Administrator
 *** 2. replace the old guestbook.php with the new guestbook.php from the version 1.4
 *** 3. write in the Adress Line on your Browser your NUKE URL /guestbook.php?op=update2
 *** 4. change the Line in your user.php in the Function: userinfo
 ***    Search this Entry: (Line +/- 277)
 ***    echo ""._USERSTATUS.": <b>$online</b><br>\n";
 ***    if (is_user($user)) { echo "<br>[ <a href=\"replypmsg.php?send=1&uname=$uname\">"._USENDPRIVATEMSG." $uname</a> ]<br>\n";
 *** 5. insert follow line:
 ***    echo "<br>[ <a href=\"guestbook.php?op=view&touser=$uname\">$uname"._GUESTBOOKPRIVMSG."</a> ]<br>";
 *** 6. insert Language from usrguestbook_lang-german.php
 ***    (You must translate to your language!)
 *** 7. End Update

 *** History of usergb
 *** 27.02.2002    : Version 1.1
 ***                 Fixed a Table Error
 ***                 added word wrap in the input
 *** 17.03.2002    : Version 1.2
 ***                 Fixed mistakes in links
 *** 18.03.2002    : Version 1.3
 ***                 mistakes fixed!
 ***                 Entries without user logon Anonymously User have cant Post and see in this Guestbook
 ***                 add new Line in the Language.php
 *** 15.04.2002    : Version 1.4
 ***                 Bug #2-usergb fixed (Case sensitive in the Cookie Sessions)
 ***                 add Install Routine for the new Table in the Database

 *** Send me please info when you used this Feature. --> to



Da, *zeig*, is sogar ne Webadresse wo es herkommt *grien*
Ich hab das Ding verbrochen ;o)

Also, ganz einfach zu machen das alles. Dann nimm in den Modulen die Your_Account und dort die Index.php.

Das ist mehr oder minder die selbe Datei. Aber Danke für Tip, ich werds mit reinschreiben.
