block-Menu_editable.php Kathegorie erweitern

Begonnen von A-L-E-X, 22 März 2004, 18:52:38

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


hallo ich wollte mal das Menü auf eine Kathegorie weiter erweitern...

hier ist der code... wo ist denn da ein fehler???

 <?php // $Id: block-Menu_editable.php,v 20.3 2003/10/01 12:00:51 EllselAn Exp $
/* vkpMx 2.0  Content Management System                                 */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Copyright (C) 2003 by the vkpMx & pragmaMx Developer Team            */
/* email:                                     */
/* homepage:                             */
/* further sites:, http;//,   */
/*  ,,   */
/*  ,      */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Based on:                                                            */
/* PHP-NUKE Web Portal System -                     */
/* Thatware -                                      */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */
if (!defined("mxMainFileLoaded")) die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$mxblockcache = FALSE;

global $prefix, $name, $home, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3;

$mouseOver = $bgcolor1;       /* Sets mouseover color */
$mouseOver = "#e8e8e8";       /* Sets mouseover color */
$image1 = "images/menu/rarrow.gif";  /* image path relative to public root*/
$image2 = "images/menu/barrow.gif";  /* image path relative to public root*/
$image3 = "images/menu/oarrow.gif";  /* image path relative to public root*/
$image4 = "images/menu/oarrow.gif";  /* image path relative to public root*/

$viewSearch      = 1; /* 0 = no search        -- 1 = yes search */

$viewmoduleslist = 1; /* 0 = no List/dropdown -- 1 = yes List/dropdown */
$dropDown        = 1;  /* 0 = dropdown style   -- 1 = scrolling Layer style */
$row2show        = 1; /* "NUMBER YOU SELECT (default is 1)" = numbers of rows visible when block style */
$maxwordlen      = 30; /* max. Number of charakters in Moduleslist */
$listheigth      = 80; /* Heigth of the scrolling Layer for Moduleslist */

if(!defined("_MEN_SECTION1")) define ("_MEN_SECTION1","Home");      /* title Menu Section 1 */
if(!defined("_MEN_SECTION2")) define ("_MEN_SECTION2","Community");        /* title Menu Section 2 */
if(!defined("_MEN_SECTION3")) define ("_MEN_SECTION3","Neues Menü");        /* title Menu Section 3 */
if(!defined("_MEN_SECTION4")) define ("_MEN_SECTION4","Sonstiges");        /* title Menu Section 4 */
if(!defined("_MEN_SECTIONx")) define ("_MEN_SECTIONx","Gesamtauswahl"); /* title Dropdown */

$mouseOut = "transparent"; /* Sets mouseout color - leave blank for background*/
$actionMenu = "style=\"background: transparent;\" onMouseOver=\"'$mouseOver'\" onMouseOut=\"'$mouseOut'\"";
$main_module = mxGetMainModuleName();
$isseradmin = mxIsAdmin();

/* Now we make the Modules block with the correspondent links */
/* Menu Section 1 */
$content  = "<div class=\"boxcontent\">";

/* Menu Section 1 */
                                                       $sec1["Home"] = "<a href=\"./\">"._HOME."";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Topics"))          $sec1["Topics"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Topics\">Themen";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Stories_Archive")) $sec1["Stories_Archive"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Stories_Archive&sa=show_all\">Artikel";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Downloads"))       $sec1["Downloads"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads\">Downloads";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Web_Links"))       $sec1["Web_Links"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links\">Links";
if (mxModuleAllowed("My_eGallery"))     $sec1["My_eGallery"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=My_eGallery\">Bildergallerie";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Siteupdate"))      $sec1["Siteupdate"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Siteupdate\">Siteupdates";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Impressum"))       $sec1["Impressum"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Impressum\">Impressum";

/* Menu Section 2 */
if (mxModuleAllowed("Your_Account")) $sec2["Your_Account"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">"._YACCOUNT."";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Members_List")) $sec2["Members_List"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Members_List\">Memberliste";
if (mxModuleAllowed("eBoard"))       $sec2["eBoard"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=eBoard\">Forum";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Submit_News"))  $sec2["Submit_News"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Submit_News\">Artikel schreiben";
if (mxModuleAllowed("maaXStat2"))    $sec2["maaXStat2"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=maaXStat2\">Statistiken";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Kalender"))     $sec2["Kalender"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Kalender\">Kalender";

/* Menu Section 3 */
if (mxModuleAllowed("Bla")) $sec3["Bla"] = "<a href=\"bla.php\">Bla";

/* Menu Section 4 */
if (mxModuleAllowed("LinkMe"))     $sec4["LinkMe"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=LinkMe\">Link Me";
#if (mxModuleAllowed("LogoEditor")) $sec4["LogoEditor"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=LogoEditor\">Logo-Editor";
if (mxModuleAllowed("FAQ")) $sec4["LogoEditor"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=FAQ\">FAQ";
#if (mxModuleAllowed("Dict"))       $sec4["Dict"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Dict\">Wörterbuch";
if ($isseradmin)                        $sec4["Administration"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">"._ADMINMENUEBL."";

if (isset($sec1)) {
$size1 = @getimagesize($image1);
$size1 = (empty($size1[3])) ? "" : $size1[3];
$img1 = "<img src=\"".$image1."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size1.">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTION1."</b><BR>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
foreach($sec1 as $valname => $value) {
$m_title2 = strip_tags($value);
$content .= "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img1."Â ".$value."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
$manvalues[$valname] = 1;
$content .= "</TABLE><br>\n";

if (isset($sec2)) {
$size2 = @getimagesize($image2);
$size2 = (empty($size2[3])) ? "" : $size2[3];
$img2 = "<img src=\"".$image2."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size2.">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTION2."</b><BR>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
foreach($sec2 as $valname => $value) {
$m_title2 = strip_tags($value);
$content .= "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img2."Â ".$value."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
$manvalues[$valname] = 1;
$content .= "</TABLE><br>\n";

if (isset($sec3)) {
$size3 = @getimagesize($image3);
$size3 = (empty($size3[3])) ? "" : $size3[3];
$img3 = "<img src=\"".$image3."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size3.">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTION3."</b><BR>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
foreach($sec3 as $valname => $value) {
$m_title2 = strip_tags($value);
$content .= "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img3." ".$value."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
$manvalues[$valname] = 1;
$content .= "</TABLE><br>\n";

if (isset($sec4)) {
$size4 = @getimagesize($image4);
$size4 = (empty($size4[3])) ? "" : $size4[3];
$img4 = "<img src=\"".$image4."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size4.">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTION4."</b><BR>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
foreach($sec4 as $valname => $value) {
$m_title2 = strip_tags($value);
$content .= "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img4." ".$value."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
$manvalues[$valname] = 1;
$content .= "</TABLE><br>\n";

$checkmodule = (mxSessionGetVar("checkmodule") <= time() - 600) ? 1 : 0; // Module nur alle 10 Minuten checken
/* Make dropdown or block style full selection menu - NOTE: inactive modules only viewable by Admin */
if ($viewmoduleslist == 1) {
if (!isset($img1) && !$dropDown) {
$size1 = @getimagesize($image1);
$size1 = (empty($size1[3])) ? "" : $size1[3];
$img1 = "<img src=\"".$image1."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size1.">";
if (!isset($img2) && !$dropDown) {
$size2 = @getimagesize($image2);
$size2 = (empty($size2[3])) ? "" : $size2[3];
$img2 = "<img src=\"".$image2."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size2.">";
if (!isset($img3) && $isseradmin && !$dropDown) {
$size3 = @getimagesize($image3);
$size3 = (empty($size3[3])) ? "" : $size3[3];
$img3 = "<img src=\"".$image3."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size3.">";

$name = (empty($name)) ? $main_module : $name;
$where = ($isseradmin) ? "" : "WHERE  active='1'";
$result = sql_query("select mid, title, custom_title, active from ${prefix}_modules $where");
while(list($mid, $m_title, $custom_title, $active) = sql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($isseradmin && $checkmodule) {
$dbmodlist[strtolower($m_title)] = 1;
/* If the module doesn't exist, it will be removed from the database automaticaly */
if (!@file_exists("modules/$m_title/")) {
sql_query("delete from ${prefix}_groups_modules where module_id=$mid");
sql_query("UPDATE ${prefix}_modules SET active=0 where mid=$mid");
$m_title2 = (empty($custom_title)) ? str_replace("_", " ", $m_title) : str_replace("_", " ", $custom_title);
$m_title3 = mxCutString($m_title2, $maxwordlen, "..", "");
$sel = ($m_title == $name) ? " SELECTED" : "";
if ($active) {
if ((mxModuleAllowed($m_title)) && !isset($manvalues[$m_title])) {
if ($dropDown) $opt_u[strtolower($m_title2)] = "<OPTION VALUE='$m_title' $sel title='$m_title2'>$m_title3</option>";
else           $opt_u[strtolower($m_title2)] = "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img1."Â <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$m_title."\">".$m_title3."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
else {
/* If you're Admin you and only you can see Inactive modules and test it */
if ($isseradmin && !isset($manvalues[$m_title])) {
if ($dropDown) $opt_a[strtolower($m_title2)] = "<OPTION VALUE='$m_title' $sel title='$m_title2'>$m_title3</option>";
else           $opt_a[strtolower($m_title2)] = "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img2."Â <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$m_title."\">".$m_title3."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";

$options = "";
if ($dropDown) {
if (isset($opt_u)) {
ksort($opt_u, SORT_STRING);
#$options .= "<OPTION VALUE='$main_module' disabled>"._MEN_SECTIONx."</option>";
#$options .= "<OPTION VALUE='$main_module' disabled>".str_repeat("Å»",$maxwordlen)."</option>";
$options .= implode("",$opt_u);
if (isset($opt_a)) {
ksort($opt_a, SORT_STRING);
$options .= "<OPTION VALUE='$main_module' disabled>".str_repeat("_",$maxwordlen)."</option>";
$options .= "<OPTION VALUE='$main_module' disabled>"._NOACTIVEMODULES."</option>";
$options .= "<OPTION VALUE='$main_module' disabled>".str_repeat("Å»",$maxwordlen)."</option>";
$options .= implode("",$opt_a);

if ($options) {
$size = ($row2show > 1) ? "SIZE=\\\"$row2show\\\"" : "";
$content .= "\n<!--\ndocument.write(\"";
$content .= "<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"modules.php\\\">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTIONx."</b><br>";
$content .= "<SELECT NAME=\\\"name\\\" onChange=\\\"top.location.href='modules.php?name='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\\\" ".$size." style=\\\"width: 100%;\\\">".$options."</SELECT>";
$content .= "</FORM>";
$content .= "\")\n//-->\n\n";
else {
if (isset($opt_u)) {
ksort($opt_u, SORT_STRING);
$options .= implode("",$opt_u);
if (isset($opt_a)) {
ksort($opt_a, SORT_STRING);
$options .= "<tr><td><b>"._NOACTIVEMODULES."</b></td></tr>";
$options .= implode("",$opt_a);
if ($options) {
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTIONx."</b><br>";
$content .= "<div style=\"width: 100%; height: ".$listheigth."px; overflow : auto;\">";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
$content .= $options;
$content .= "</table></div><br>\n";

/* Search feature */
if ($viewSearch == 1){
$content .= "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Search\" method=\"post\">";
$content .= "<b>"._SEARCH."</b><br>";
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" onfocus=\"value=''\" value=\""._SEARCH."\" name=\"query\" size=\"10\" style=\"width: 100%;\">";
$content .= "</form>";
$content .= "</div>";

/* If you copied a new module is the /modules/ directory, it will be added to the database */
if ($isseradmin && isset($dbmodlist) && $checkmodule) {
#print "<h1>checkmodule</h1>";
mxSessionSetVar("checkmodule", time());
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if (!ereg("[.]",$file) && empty($dbmodlist[strtolower($file)])) {
$ctitle = str_replace("_", " ", $file);
$qry = "insert into ${prefix}_modules (title,custom_title,active,view) values ('".$file."', '".$ctitle."', 0, 0)";

/* CVS-Log:
$Log: block-Menu_editable.php,v $
Revision 20.3  2003/10/01 12:00:51  EllselAn
problem mit file_exists bei safe_mode=on

Revision 20.2  2003/09/01 14:49:24  EllselAn
function join() / implode() falsch verwendet





sag mal in wie fern du es erweitern wolltest!
und wenn du in dem oberen code was drinnen hast mach das fett oder so :)

"Debug-Mode" einschalten.
"SQL-Fehler anzeigen" einschalten
und evt. auftauchende Fehlermeldungen posten .


also ihr kennt ja vielleicht das normale vorgegebene block..

nach der installation von vkp MX ist es ja normal drauf..

es unterteilt sich in


   bla bla

   bla bla

.. naja vor Community will ich eine neue Kathegorie einfügen.. z.b.

   bla bla bla

und genau das will ich halt ausbauen.. aba irgenwie zeigt er mir auf der seite das nicht an  :wall:



if(!defined("_MEN_SECTION4")) define ("_MEN_SECTION1","General");      /* title Menu Section 1 */

/* Menu Section 3 */
 $sec4["Home"] = "<a href=\"./\">"._HOME."";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Topics"))          $sec4["Topics"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Topics\">Themen";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Stories_Archive")) $sec4["Stories_Archive"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Stories_Archive&sa=show_all\">Artikel";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Downloads"))       $sec4["Downloads"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads\">Downloads";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Web_Links"))       $sec4["Web_Links"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links\">Links";
if (mxModuleAllowed("My_eGallery"))     $sec4["My_eGallery"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=My_eGallery\">Bildergallerie";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Siteupdate"))      $sec4["Siteupdate"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Siteupdate\">Siteupdates";
if (mxModuleAllowed("Impressum"))       $sec4["Impressum"] = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Impressum\">Impressum";

if (isset($sec4)) {
$size1 = @getimagesize($image1);
$size1 = (empty($size1[3])) ? "" : $size1[3];
$img1 = "<img src=\"".$image1."\" BORDER=\"0\" ".$size1.">";
$content .= "<b>"._MEN_SECTION1."</b><BR>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
foreach($sec1 as $valname => $value) {
$m_title2 = strip_tags($value);
$content .= "<TR $actionMenu\"><TD title=\"".$m_title2."\"><span class=\"boxcontent\">".$img1." ".$value."</a></span></TD></TR>\n";
$manvalues[$valname] = 1;
$content .= "</TABLE><br>\n";


musst du aber in die richtige position einfügen und auch noch editieren

"Debug-Mode" einschalten.
"SQL-Fehler anzeigen" einschalten
und evt. auftauchende Fehlermeldungen posten .