Change AM/PM in KalenderMx v1.3

Begonnen von Klint, 14 Januar 2004, 12:29:10

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Is there anyway that I can change the config from Am/PM to a 24 hour configuration??

Regarding KalenderMx v1.3

[Editiert am 14/1/2004 von Klint]


Hi Klint :)

you can change this in the language files, with the following defines:

// 1 = 24 hour time ... 0 = AM/PM time

# local setting, date/time format for Linux/Unix
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Thanx but it doesnt seem to change anything.....I still hav ethe AM/PM times in the Kalendar. Anythin else I can do?