Pragmamx 2.9.2 found problems

Begonnen von le Chaland, 12 Januar 2025, 17:48:24

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le Chaland

Hi. I continue my investigation ...

So i downloaded firefox beta on google play, the only one wich can accept some hidden configurations.

Following this tutorial i entered
about:config in the navigation tab, and then create a new entry to force the user agent and normaly, the desktop mode (in fact not a real desktop mode) :

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0

After this, i faced two interresting things :

- Switching beetwen desktop and mobile view does not need anymore enter admin login data. Great surprise for me. A good help while testing website.

The files on server browser, always while entering a message or article, work fine. No more backend error or blank page.

As i am player, i removed the added strings in
about:config the problems are back, for account login and server files browser.

Then i tried a thing i never think before, i know, i am a little stupid :

- Logged as admin in desktop mode for the web browser, go to enter new message, tried to access files on the server while adding an image -> file browser, as expected open in a new tab,  and i got without surprise a blank page -> switching this new tab where is the file browser in mobile view mode (while always on desktop view & logged admin in the mother tab) and miraculously the file browser appear without fails -> image succesfully integrated in the new article in redaction  :pardon:

Restored added strings to force the user agent, without the need to restart firefox browser beta or re enter admin login, and all problems that we talk vanished.

Hope that's help more.

If you want to submit to me some files for testing, i am your man.


Olaf / TerraProject

wow, very strategic approach. And a very good solution. Can I book you for BETA testing of pragmaMx? I would like to include this in the FAQ (in German). Is that okay with you?


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le Chaland

I have known pragmaMx since the time when it was possible to bridge smf and coppermine. It's been a long time, I don't remember the dates and versions anymore ...

Life then made me have to drop all that for a long time.

I am not an expert in coding, far from it. I am more like the Sunday gardener who takes a screwdriver and a manual to fix a lawnmower that refuses to start, but without really knowing what to do with it ...

It is by dint of internet research that I manage, not always, to do what I want with luck ... Even if I remember a little, I am therefore far from being a confirmed coder.

But I admit that since I have been using computers, I have an unfortunate tendency to attract bugs, as you have noticed I think. From there to wondering if it is not a curse ...

I easily find problems, but more rarely solutions.

As I mentioned in another post, I only have free time during certain periods, during the rest of the time, I am in minimum service mode, just happy to be able to read my emails ...

So if my help interests you, it will be with pleasure, even more if I can help promote pragmaMx, because it is worth it in my opinion. And thank you for that.

I plan anyway to install in a subfolder in the background a second installation of pragmaMx for testing purposes.

For the "solution", there is no problem in you putting it in the FAQ. I would have to be the most ungrateful person to refuse this.

Until a fix is found  :BD: .

Kind regards.

le Chaland

Not a big problem, but yes, confirmed for me, pragmaMx dislike insertion of some specials html codes like This one or more commons smyleys for exemple.

No problem for enter the code and the preview is ok too, the problem comes when saving the whole text. Sometimes it does the record but block any future modifications until it is removed, other times it does the record, with the special code simply rejected or ignored, i dont't know.

Sql base and files on server are all in utf8. Maybe a configuration i missed.

In this case i simply use a .png to replace the flag.

As i said before, not a vital priority.  :hi:

le Chaland


Always on android tablet.

Admin > documents > Tools icon > blank page ...

Tried the workaround for the files browser, non working  :red:

The url is like this, without any argument :

All the rest of the module seems working.

The browser ask me to resend some datas while changing beetween desktop and mobile view and freeze while refreshing, progress bar stopped, definitivly.

I just wonder : Config (which work fine) and Tools are differents ?

The occasion to see that the french translation need an update.
I can do this, i wish only add some content on my website before.

Olaf / TerraProject

eine fehlende Srachkonstanke löst das Problem....
wird nachgereicht


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le Chaland

As i have a good progress on my website, even if i have some others ideas in the starting blocks, do you want i start looking at the translation of this module or is it better to wait for your update.

Yours.  :JC_highfive:

le Chaland

There may be a problem with the newsletter module :

The confirmation link is never send. (Checked spam folder)

- email adress is correctly recorded in sql table mx newsletter.
- email function seems working as i receive the mail of the list of actives subscribers (which is empty maybe because not activated)

le Chaland

The function to send article to an other email seems broken too, no email sended.

le Chaland

Olaf / TerraProject

Newsletter – function works perfectly, unsubscribe and unsubscription
News – send to friend -> also works perfectly
both functions tested now

Please check your mail settings in pragmaMx. Some servers have problems with the sendmail function. You have to test this. Alternatively, use the SMTP mail settings under System->Settings->Mail settings


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le Chaland


I need for this to contact my host as i am unable to make working the mail function with smtp settings. Maybe a port problem. Seems to be not the same as on my email client.

I just wonder why function php mail work fine on some parts and no for others.

le Chaland

Still my problem with somes emails with php mail function.

Work fine with the contact form or while sending list of people registered in the newsletter module to the admin, but not for sending article or for the confirmation mail while registering on the newsletter list.

The smtp function does not work, for all modules.

I tested smtp with the mail box hosted with my site and with : Google, Micrososoft, SFR, La poste, Caramail ...

This with tree ports each time : 25, 465, 587.

-> As i know, all operators now blocks port 25 to prevent abuse of spam. So all attemps to connections on other ports without secure authentification will systematically fail.

So i have a maybe stupid question : Does our favorite CMS support ssl and or startls protocols ?

It may be the reason of my fails.

I am still awaiting a response of my web hoster.

le Chaland

Another thing goes wrong here, module web link :

Please try here to click on the button with the door to visit the site i recorded :

And here, on the text "Visiter ce site !" :

Each time i get a blank page and this link :

Activate extended debug mode :

Fatal error: Uncaught exception:
Call to undefined function int() (code: 0)
in modules/Web_Links/includes/functions.php on line 1240

le Chaland

So i commented the line 1240 to desactivate it.

Now the site is opened correctly.

Dont't know if this a good fix, but it work.

Olaf / TerraProject

thanks, the right name of this function is intval(), not int(). if you change int(...) to intval(...), then it is correct.
I changed it for the next version


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le Chaland

le Chaland

Activating modules download.

Now i have a line at the top of the header  :gruebel:  :

Argument 1 : Downloads
Visible here for all public.

Olaf / TerraProject

in modules/Downloads/index.php - Line 41
mxDebugFuncVars($module_name);change in
//mxDebugFuncVars($module_name);or delete line 41


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le Chaland

Quick answer, quickly fixed.

Danke !!  :thumbup: