Insert from temptable into usertable YA-DELETER

Begonnen von Hexenmeister, 14 März 2008, 08:10:25

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Grüße euch. :)

Ich hab mir die Suche zum Thema YA-Deleter angeschaut, kann aber leider nichts passendes finden. :-(
Ein User sagte mir, er habe keien Aktivierungslink erhalten, versuche ich dann über "Benutzer Neuzugänge verwalten" selbst den User frei zuschalten, erhalte ich die folgende Meldung:

ZitatDatenbankfehler: Benutzer konnte nicht zur Datenbank hinzugefügt werden.Insert from temptable into usertable YA-DELETER
Wodran könnte das liegen?!
Die ya-repair.php und die erweiterung.php sind gelaufen, ohne Probleme. Andere User konnten sich auch ohne Probleme anmelden. :(

Hier des Debug-Zeugs:
Error sql_query():
qry: INSERT INTO {prefix}_users SET uname = 'Melli', pass = '****', email = ***', name = '****', femail = '****', url = '', user_avatar = '005.gif', user_regdate = 'Mar 09, 2008', user_icq = '235-***', user_occ = 'Fsj'lerin', user_from = 'Köll- Poll', user_intrest = 'Kampfsport', user_sig = 'Wer keine Angst vor'm Teufel hat, braucht auch keinen Gott!', user_aim = '', user_yim = '', user_msnm = '', user_level = 1, newsletter = 1 , user_ingroup = 1, user_regtime = 1205075073, user_stat = 1, user_sexus = 1, user_lastvisit = 1205075073, user_bday = '1987-07-20', user_from1 = 'Deutschland', user_heigh = '169', user_gewicht = '', user_piercing = 'Ja', user_tatto = 'Noch nicht', user_sucht = 'lustige Menschen', user_beziehung = 'Freundschaft', user_haar = 'blond', user_augen = 'blau', user_l1 = 'Suppe;)', user_l2 = 'Kölsch', user_l3 = 'Onkelz', user_l4 = 'Erinnerung', user_l5 = 'Johnny Depp', user_l6 = 'Fluch der Karibik ', user_l7 = 'Scrubs', user_l8 = 'Die Orks', user_positiv = '', user_negativ = '', user_smoke = 'Ja', user_alkohol = 'Öfter', user_partneralter1 = '', user_partneralter2 = '', user_partnerwie = '', user_famstatus = 'in einer Beziehung', user_partnerfigur = '', user_kinder = 'habe keine Kinder'
descr: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'lerin', user_from = 'Köll- Poll', user_intrest = 'Kampfsport', user_sig = 'Wer k' at line 1 ( mysql 1064 )

file: /admin/modules/ya_deleter.php # line: 252,  cmd: sql_query(INSERT INTO {prefix}_users SET uname = 'Melli',  pass = 'c549f01ce...),
file: /admin/modules/ya_deleter.php # line: 430,  cmd: adminactivateaccount(INSERT INTO {prefix}_users SET uname = 'Melli',  pass = 'c549f01ce...,  0,  2,  Array[1]),
file: /admin/case/case.ya_deleter.php # line:  25,  cmd: include(INSERT INTO {prefix}_users SET uname = 'Melli',  pass = 'c549f01ce...,  0,  2,  Array[1],  /admin/modules/ya_deleter.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 830,  cmd: include(INSERT INTO {prefix}_users SET uname = 'Melli',  pass = 'c549f01ce...,  0,  2,  Array[1],  /admin/modules/ya_deleter.php,  /admin/case/case.ya_deleter.php),

pragmaMx 0.1.10 Debug-Mode, PHP Error-Reporting (E_ALL) enabled
POST: Array
    [check_delete] => Array
            [0] => 52

    [counter] => 0
    [internal_counter] => 2
    [op] => activate_selected_entrys
    [submit] => Abschicken

Vielen Dank für eure Mühe!

H.-meisterchen :-Ş


Tschuldigt, ich stelle gerade fest das ich des völlig falsche Forum erwischt habe...  :mad2:

Zum Problem, kann es sein, dass es hängt, weil der User hier Fsj'lerin ein ' benutzt hat....-(


hallo hexenmeister,

liegst wohl mit deiner vermutung richtig:
Zitatdescr: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'lerin',

als usernamen erkennt er das vor dem ' hier erst gar nicht ...

Liebe Grüsse & Gü Güş

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I have the same problem for one of my member on one of my forums.

The pseudo is deathsign and he can't activate is account cause he obtains this error (in french):

ZitatErreur base de données: On ne peut pas inscrire l'utilisateur dans la base de données. 'Insert from temptable into usertable'

and when i want to activate him by my admin account, i've got exactly the same error than Hexenmeister on this post.

What can i do?


I saw no answer for this bug since a long time now, no idea about it? cause it's very annoying and still exist...

Thanks of any help...


Big up for my question....

None see it?

cause this bug is an important bug for the persons which can't register for this cause....

I really need some help about it, and at less an answer.....



Haven't you read the answer #2 from NDeezign?

If the user has tried to use an apostrophe (') in his name, this will cause the database to send an error.
In this case, you have to delete the entry from the database table, named {prefix}_users_temptable,  by using i.e. phpMyAdmin or any other database-tool you prefer to use and inform the user to take an other member name.

If the reason isn't what's mentioned above, you have to give us the debug-informations, which will shown, if you switch the debug-mode active? and show sql-errors? in your administration menu -> preferences -> Service- and Debug-Settings to yes.

Nobody is perfect ... so don't call me Nobody


Big thanks! noted!
i'll look if it's this case...

is there any way to forbid the use of special characters like this on registration?

if the problem is not this case, i'll give the debug info...