Site Hacked !!!!!

Begonnen von figjam, 11 Mai 2002, 23:45:59

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Some script kiddie hacked the site using a script on the admin.php file opening the admin section. Anybody help with security?


What have the Kiddie hacked?

Have you logfiles?


Hi figjam,
the code you sent us over pm looks like an old version of hackattack.
Please look ito your "images" folder if there is a textfile named like in your sendet code.
On you can find a testroutine for this art of attack with detailled informations about this testroutine.

But so i know whith this form of hacking its only possible on old nukeversions with an installed filemanager and without the bugfixes for the filemanager.

greets Franky


This hack was on the current VPK 5.5

tried what you said shows fine on danboss but the hole is still there


Was soll ich hiervon halten?

Hat sich da jemand von hier damit beschäftigt? Stimmt das, das dieser Schmutz auch noch problemlos mit Nuke5.5 gehen soll?

Danke für eine Antwort