pragmaMx Support Forum

Archive => eBoard => veraltete bzw. unsupportete Systeme und Module => Alt Archive => eBoard FAQ - english / englisch => Thema gestartet von: tequila am 31 Dezember 2002, 18:06:18

Titel: No posting-buttons in private forums?
Beitrag von: tequila am 31 Dezember 2002, 18:06:18
Some member told me that they have no posting buttons in private forums. Why?
Titel: Re: No posting-buttons in private forums?
Beitrag von: tequila am 31 Dezember 2002, 18:07:18
That was a bug in the functions.php affecting versions prior 1.0.7 Platinum.

So, please update to the newest version an this problem will be fixed.