pragmaMx Support Forum

pragmaMx => Installation & Update => Thema gestartet von: le Chaland am 12 Januar 2025, 01:38:19

Titel: Pragmamx 2.9.2 fatal error fresh install
Beitrag von: le Chaland am 12 Januar 2025, 01:38:19

Tried several times,


But always unable to make a fresh install ...


Any idea ?

Thank you in advance.
Titel: Aw: Pragmamx 2.9.2 fatal error fresh install
Beitrag von: le Chaland am 12 Januar 2025, 02:09:02
Okay, finally fix it, i hope.

What i did :

- Sql server empty
- Pick another config.file from another site i admin under pmx 2.8.6
- Manually replace with corresponding datas about sql database
- Upload config.php modified manually
- Launch an update instead of a fresh install by lauching setup directly

-> Script install database tables on the sql server - no errors
-> Browser was freezed a short moment ( ??? )
-> Wait and, pray ..
-> Finaly browser work, create first admin account
-> Terminate setup and access to admin panel.

For the moment, no problems.
Titel: Aw: Pragmamx 2.9.2 fatal error fresh install
Beitrag von: Olaf / TerraProject am 12 Januar 2025, 07:40:44