pragmaMx Support Forum

pragmaMx => integrierte Module => Thema gestartet von: le Chaland am 18 November 2023, 15:00:52

Titel: Contact form
Beitrag von: le Chaland am 18 November 2023, 15:00:52
Good morning.

Is it possible to transmit a pre defined service in the URL?

For example :


If not, is it possible to modify the module and on which file - function to act?

This is so I can try.

Thanks in advance.
Titel: Antw:Contact form
Beitrag von: Olaf am 20 November 2023, 07:34:56
What would you like to do with it?

Titel: Antw:Contact form
Beitrag von: le Chaland am 20 November 2023, 19:26:32
I am building a website for the bird breeders club of which I am a member, pragmaMx serves as a showcase for me to present our club [Team, breeders, history, events, etc...] Next to it I install the interactive part with an smf forum: Breeders will be able to introduce themselves there and visitors may wish to contact them without wishing to register with the forum. For the moment each breeder can do:

You can contact me here
[here url = ]

But as there are many of us, I find it more ergonomic and practical if it were possible to avoid visitors having to select the right breeder. Because this would also avoid errors. So the url would be:
[here url= ]

Maybe I can use the Get method to pass the information via the url. I should be able to put this in place, I have already done it, with security and filtering measures included, on an old module of my design. It's been a long time, but I still have my archives and I would just have to take a look at them... It might also be necessary to have a second script which checks if the breeder is indeed registered in the database and which returns an alert message otherwise. More complicated for me but I can try to make a loop in PHP with an SQL query which queries the database and compares with the information transmitted. Well, easier said than done for me...
Titel: Antw:Contact form
Beitrag von: Olaf am 21 November 2023, 07:37:43
How many breeders are we talking about? How many breeders would have to be specified?
In the feedback module you can specify the breeders under "Service"?
Titel: Antw:Contact form
Beitrag von: le Chaland am 22 November 2023, 19:59:25
Hum, about 10 breeders, one webmaster, one president of the club, and maximum 5 partners. Yes i know how adding services and this is partially already done and works fine. The website is still under construction. I just like the idea that it should be a good thing that when the contact form is called from an external page, a forum for exemple, the related and appropried service could be transmited and then pre-selected. This is at my sense more user friendly. Not a vital thing, i agree. As i said, i can try to do the trick and share in case of success. Just i am far to be an expert in coding, even if i already made some little things. ...
Titel: Antw:Contact form
Beitrag von: Olaf am 24 November 2023, 13:19:29
OK, I'll look at it again.