eBoard does not seem to give English graphics even after change language in control panel to English
But it does work here on this site I notice
[Edited on 15/8/2002 by PaulK]
Hi Paul.
Yes, that´s right. We forgot to put the english buttons in the eBoard module which is included in the VKP-pack, sorry :redhead:
Please download the eBoard module from the "VKP Downloads" section and take the english buttons out there.
This version of the eBoard is newer than the one included in the VKP, so overwrite all files with the content in "html_update" and replace the original "image"-directory with the one in "html" and you should have english buttons ;)
Ooooooooooops :o
Normally the eBoard should use the default-language of the forum for the pm-text, so if you set it to english in the admin-menu, everything should be in english .....
No idea, at my system everything works the way it should. So Paul, please check if you default-lang is set to english AND your user-lang is set to english (in the profile-settings) and try it again. It should be english .....
Bye ;)
Hey Tequila
Thanks for the tip, I now have English buttons for eBoard, do you have a solution for Private Messages, they are still in German
I hope none of you have been flooded, we have been watching on UK Television!
[Edited on 19/8/2002 by PaulK]