Wysiwyg for 5.5

Begonnen von Arnie, 24 April 2002, 13:00:01

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Hello Nukers, is the module Wysiwyg 1.3 (adapted for PHP-Nuke 5.5) from www.nukedownload.com compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5 with upgrade ?

I have try it. It look great, but when i click on Preview button, i become search page. Have you own wysiwyg modul for VKP ?


  last week some Member  tested a WYSIWG Editor in Nuke 5.5 . But  the Version  is not stable and  on my localhost it  chrased a complete Database and no NEWS on Site:(  So we think there is a BIG BUg in the EDITOR!
But if we have Time  we take a look on  your one :)  pls send the editor ti : userscripte@maax-design.de