Begonnen von taedo, 14 März 2004, 09:37:54

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Hello all...

Dont know if this is the right forum place to ask, but here goes anyhoo.

I am currently deciding on installing a new CMS on a new site. I have used the old VKP-MAXI on other sites, but I am contemplating on changing into either VKPMX or PHPNUKE  (both latest version of course)

But, whitch system to use?

Can anyone tell me why I should use VKPMX instead of PHPNUKE?
As far as I can see there are more addons/themes to PHPNUKE than VKPMX. Or am I totally way out of line here?

So, If any one can tell me in a _neutral_ way the pros and cons of both systems I would be very glad. I have learned to love VKP during the time I have used it (and still do), but now I feel that PHPNUKE (after its workover)
is getting better than VKP.

Or am I totally wrong?

So ppl on with the flaming *grin*

best regards



Hello taedo,
first of all, nowerdays it lecks a bit to compare vkpmx and phpnuke "directly", it is a bit like comparing "apples and plumps" :)

To tell you all the differences, it would take too much time, so I will only explain the main things.
First of all, download the vkpmx base-pack, unpack it, upload the "installcheck" directory and make shure, your webserver support the vkpmx ... if not, you can stop thinking about using vkpmx without changing the provider (or update your own server).

Main-Difference between vkpmx and phpnuke are:
- vkpmx only have around 10% of the database querys of phpnuke, so it is "server friendly" and because of this faster
- vkpmx source code was completely rearanged and lighten off, so the files are smaler (increasing speed again)
- vkpmx has a block-cache function, so not all blocks will be reloaded each time your page is loaded, saving a lot of database querys again.
- vkpmx use 4 files with encoded php-code (for security and copyright-reasons), phpnuke not, so your webserver must support decoding of encrypted php-files
- vkpmx workst 100% in php-error reporting mode (E_ALL) without any problems, also no html errors, phpnuke does not.
- vkpmx (in the nowerdays version) has a lighter group management than phpnuke, so if you need especially the features of the member group management it might be not enough for you.
- normally vkpmx is compatieble with phpnuke-modules up to version 6.0 (and also higher, if the modules does not use the user-database), for phpnuke you can use all "normal" modules for the actuall version (but please don´t think you can use any old module using the user-database, phpnuke has changed user-database in version 6.0 and 6.5 (and maybe also later, I don´t know))
- vkpmx will alway be "a smaller" system than phpnuke, so there will be not so many addons than for phpnuke, but all the "official" addons available from this site will work
- vkpmx has a much more secure login-system than phpnuke. Normal phpnuke-holes will not appear as problem for the vkpmx. IDS (Intrusion detection system) for vkpmx is also in work and will be available in a few month.
- vkpmx will guaranty you upgradebility from now to all newer versions, over years, no idea if phpnuke will also promise you this.
- vkpmx is developed by a team of over 8 persons, growing permanently, developing only with cvs. Phpnuke is a "one-man show".

Eiii, one big thing missing:
- vkpmx works with php register globals=off. In newer php-version this WILL BE the standard

I could continue all the day, but I think the main differences should be listed above .... if you decide to use phpnuke, better think over postnuke! It is not so buggy and unsecure than phpnuke.

Hope this will help you :)

[Editiert am 14/3/2004 von tequila]


hello Tequila

Thanx for your quick reply.
I have come to many of the same conclusions that you writes in your reply.

But as always, its good to get others opinions when in doubt.

I will wait a bit longer before making my mind up reg. witch CMS system to choose.

I hope others on the forum will be as forthcoming as you have been reg. giving _your_ feelings reg. witch CMS system are the "better one"

Both systems have pros and cons. My main concern is having a system that is not too open reg. all the security issues phpnuke has had the last two years. The speed of the system is also a big issue. As you stated the sql queries must be fast, having a monster sql database that needs to be queried all the time is not an optimal thing..

So if anyone else has any "pros and cons" nows the time to come with them...
