Strange problem with members login...

Begonnen von humoristas, 17 April 2002, 02:03:21

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Hi all.
The problem is the follow. I was logged in as member and sudently i can not read my private messages or view or change my details because i redirect to the login page! I can not logiin at my XForum too. What happened? The strange is that i am still connected as admin. Also at admin panel when i am going to edit an existing user, the system tells me that there is not such a user (!!!)

Also if i click at the author link ( check at // ) of an article i see his member page with his articles and his comments but at the top i see \"no information available\"!!!!. Please help...

In myn local iis site every are working fine with the exact copies of the php files and mysqldb! (the config php file of the publick nuke site was the same as beafore that the site was working fine!)

The only think i did was to put back at mysql db the nuke_users table that i had took for backup before couple of days.

I had many hackers attacks the days before and i do not know if they changed something somewhoere. I use phpnuke5.5 latest php version and unix apachi server. What file must i check??? I hope you understan what i meant
Pleaseeee heelp
 :quest[Bearbeitet am: 17/4/2002 von humoristas]


Hi humoristas,

please compare your Your_Account Modulefiles with the one from your local server and the database (compare a dump of your nuke_users table with the one of your local server) there is an error in the files on your website.....
I'll try to register a new account and can't do cause _ERROR.
It seems to be an error in the database (while nuke_user table creating), please check it and write again here....
greets Franky


The Your_account module files and nuke_users tables are exactly the same at both servers. I checked the structure and only some users data because i have 400 members nad it is impossible for me to check all users data). I noticed that all the users id are not exact the follow number. I mean it goes 1,2,3,5,7,8, but i do not think that this is a problem because it is happenig at very old members when the site was working.
I the a possiblilty to be index fault or mainfile or sql_layer? If i install a new nuke and put only the articles and members of the old nuke db, will it work?



mhh i think that couldn't be an error in mainfile or index or are they not exact copies of your offlinedata?

the userid's not following numbers is absolute normal cause sometime you delete one or a member leave and nuke ever takes the next free number....

new nukeinstall... if you install a clean 5.5 version  or our vkp5.5 on your offline server there are no Probs to insert the users table I've ca. 55 different nukes on my server installed without any problem...
I think a test on your local server is better before setting the new version online.

btw for test you can naturally insert the whole db-datas from your onlineversion in the clean install.
greets Franky


Yes. Mainfile and index are the same! I just replaced with the original and the header, footer and nothing! The problem exist. I will start set up again nuke. I havent other solution. It is waste of time!


sorry, i can't define the error ...

you use the original mainfile and the original Your_account module from 5.5 or have you modified anything in the your_accountfiles e.g. a new variable for the database?
greets Franky

i had made some modifications but many weeks ago and the site was working ok. The only think i did, was to put back a back up of nuke_users table. (not very old). Thats all.

 Now i am installing a new nuke and i put the articles and modules from the current site to it. Clear work. It was nessesary for many reasons!!! Now i found the oportunity. I hope to work!


Hi humoristas,
i hope it works, the thing why i ask for modifications is that if you change in Y_A variables eg for userinfo it must be also changed in the mainfile otherwise they didn't work.
the difficult is that's not necessary for all variable-changings.....
greets Franky


Now i am setting up an new nuke db and site (clean from all the rabish with only the modules and block that i need) and after this i will put the nuke_user and topics and blocks and all the other nessesary tables from the old db. I hope it will work.

I succeded today to put a block at the side of main message block at home page (victory!!!)