SQL problems just appeared

Begonnen von PaulK, 28 April 2003, 18:08:50

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On my site http://goldenpants.net I am suddenly getting these errors:-

error in sql-statement: mysql_fetch_array, err-no: 1016
description: Can't open file: 'nuke_session.MYI'. (errno: 145)

error in sql-statement: mysql_query, err-no: 1016
qry: INSERT INTO nuke_session (username, time, host_addr, guest, sess, sessid) VALUES ('Paul', '1051545817', '', '', 'auth1|s:16:"ZG10d2JXRjRhUT09";auth2|s:2:"xx";auth3|s:1:"n";', '8a527ae51caed8b9e9365aa5f640a815')
description: Can't open file: 'nuke_session.MYI'. (errno: 145)

They seemed to have started after sending a private message to someone.

Can anyone suggest some help

thank you


Problems with MySQL-Server

delete the Table on the Server and create this Table nuke_session new


Can you tell me what I need to put in the table please


with PHPMyAdmin

delete Table nuke_sessions

insert this:

CREATE TABLE nuke_session (
  username varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
  time varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
  host_addr varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
  guest int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  sess text NOT NULL,
  sessid varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''

go - create table without inserts


Thank you Micro

problem fixed, you are the best !

Greetings and thanks form London :)


Hi Paul,
nice to "see" you  :)  
Whitch mySql Version is running on your server?
Is it 4.xx ?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hi Andi

Long time no speak!  Which means things have been good with the website till recently

I think Micro was correct and the sql database was corrupt.

I am running version 4.0.12

Is that significant?



Hi Paul :)
Yes, we have here, on our site, many problems with the mySql-Version 4.xx.
Continuesly the nuke_session table was corrupted, the same problem as yours....
Now we downgrade to 3.23.xx and it's ok.

sorry, for my bad english ;)  
schön´s Grüssle, Andi