
Begonnen von , 04 April 2002, 17:10:49

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.

when I click on the site messenger icon I get only a blank pop up window.
Why? and what should I see in that window?

thanks ale


Hi Ale! I suggest, that you was clicking on the site manager button on this site... you should see all members, which are online in the moment as well as a link to view al members who have registered on this site! By clicking on a link from a member which is online yet, you can write a private message to him like as well as icq, aim and so on... I hope, that this topic is helping you! Try again... It works!

Kind regards


I tried your buddy and it's working good but on my site I still get a blank pop up window, aaargh!


Oh... That`s the kind of your problem... Is this window still blank without any content in it! I have had the same problem too! But there wasn`t any error... All I had done is deleting all cookies! And then... Success!! I hope that you have already inserted the SQL-File into your database! That can be the failure too... Please tell me if it works so or not...

Good luck!


In  functions.php there are some lines similar to this

$sql = "SELECT p.post_time, u.uname FROM posts p, $prefix"._users."


 $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM posts WHERE forum_id = '$id'";


$sql = "SELECT forum_moderator FROM forums WHERE forum_id = '$forum_id'";

I don't have this fields and tables.
Maybe you forgot to insert a sql file in your distribution or is it an error ?
I don't have such fields and tables in my database...

bye ale


 no we  dont forgot an SQL.  some Provider  have Problems with  an direct message  between user :(  so we work on an  Version without the function!!! So  send me your Mail and i will send you an  other bufddy5.php so we hope it works on your Provider