Kalender problems ....

Begonnen von terry101, 08 Oktober 2002, 12:45:31

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Hello first of all I must congratulate you on such a nice site and secondly I must apologise for writing in English but I can't write in German ..

The problem I am experiencing is that After installing nukeKalender 1.1.a I am not able to create a new block , I just get the error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sql_fetch_row() in /home/virtual/site232/fst/var/www/html/includes/blocks/block-Calendar_centerlist.php on line 87

I have tryed deleting the files and reuploading a couple of times but I cannot create a new block . This is the only errror the rest of my site still works fine ...

Please any ideas will be greatly received

Sorry for not speaking German once again


ps I hope this isin the correct place to post this , sorry in advance if it is not

[Edited on 8/10/2002 by terry101]


first Thx  and it is no Problem that you write in English.
Ok , please  write some Infos  about your  Nuke , whicH Version  ....
and give us  a link to your site.
So we  can take a look and  we hope we  found the error.


Well my site is still running on local server as I am building it before it goes live  , I am running apache 1.3
 php4.1 safe mode off phpmyadmin 2.01  the nuke is rogue 7.14
And thank you for saying its no problems to write in English


Did I do something wrong ?????
Or I am I in the wrong place ?

Please help I do not have any hair left nearly.....


Hi terry101,

wich nuke-version is running on your site?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Zitatthe nuke is rogue 7.14

Thank you for answering


Hi Terry101,

sorry the nukeKalender works only under phpNuke 5.4 and above.
It doesn't work under postnuke  :cry  
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hey thats ok I will just take it out .
And there is no need to be sorry its not your fault , I should have checked before installing it !

 Thank you for your help ..

 :redhead:  :redhead:  :redhead: