test a Xforum block

Begonnen von , 29 März 2002, 22:05:01

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.

i modified a Xforum block

please test in mi site


thanks !!


Hi Docteur_Marc,
your Block looks very nice, have you already implemented the ml-funtionality? I can't find any languageselection on your site or is your site only prepared for french?
greets Franky

mi site is only french !!
sorry !!


new block is ready

block phpnuke 5.5 pour xforum 1.6n pour afficher les derniers messages du forum
 en position center seulement
Version francaise ( bientot multilangue)

maintenat il utilise le setting.php de XFORUM
  require "modules/XForum/settings.php"
  donc verifiez bien que ce chemin est pareil au votre !
  verifiez aussi cette variable
  $Anonyme = "Anonyme"
  que votre anonymous est bien celui la.

  vous pouvez aussi modifier le cadre et la couleur du block
$border = 2;<br>

  $bordercolor = "#cacaca"
  $cellspacing = 5;

  $bgcolor = ""
  demo @ www.docteurmarc.com">ICI
Telechargement http://www.docteurmarc.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=2


Hi Marc
 so blocks  works fine . Read message . Monday we modiefied the ML Function :) and  make (i say it )  two blocks !
Thx for your work and your modiefieds :)

mi ML version is in your box mail !!!!


 Thx Marc :) looks fine , so we make new two downloads :)

is docteurmarc here !

Admin DarkBoy contact Admin FrankySZ

MLblock is not finish

and i test with other modules language
I think of using the module of language of the phbb forum

He should be more complete!

And as well as the module uses the variable langfile of the table nuke_XForum_members

If you have an idea?

and >>>
know bug  : not hide the private message from private forum !
 I does not know how to make it



Hi MArc
 we will see it after Eatstern, i am away from MyPC so i havent chance  to take a look.Sorry.
But we think, togethter we find a way to fix all Problems.