French translation and other contributions

Begonnen von le Chaland, 19 Januar 2025, 01:42:39

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0 Mitglieder und 15 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.

le Chaland

Hello  :bye: .

I propose here to create a topic concerning French translations and other contributions of mine.

Using the CMS pragmaMx, as well as other modules or blocks, I can encounter files that are not translated or require a translation update, as well as sometimes small improvements.

Often, depending on my free time, I do the work  :yltype: for my comfort ...

So I might as well share it with others.

The development team can decide at its discretion whether or not to integrate this work. I only hope that the time to examine will be taken before deciding  :JC_coffee: .

How to use :
Unzip the file provided. Normaly the folder tree setup is preserved. Just upload everything to the root of your hosting.

le Chaland

First realise :

1_ Uodate French translation of admin language files of pmx_base and default-pmx_flex_bw. Also corrected a bug that done a blank page instead the admin dialogs.

2_ Translated the help language files of the search module. Also made little cosmetics adjustements as texts was truncated.

Download the .zip file here

le Chaland

I forgot (and can not edit more my precedent post after a moment) : For the help language file of the search module, updated too the link for mysql doc wich was outdated and broken.

Changes are visibles on my own website.

Olaf / TerraProject

I think it's great that there are more French-speaking users again.  :drinks: I've already had some initial help in French from Sebastien (Debs) :good2: . His corrections are already in the current version 2.9.2. I can't rate the French translation. :puzzled:  But if you suggest further improvements, please always include the entire language file with the complete path.

Sebastien has already started working on the manual for the first translations. :yltype:  Perhaps you can do this together? That would certainly help other users too?


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Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!

le Chaland

25/01/2025 - from pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Theme pmx_base :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Theme default-pmx_flex_bw :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Module Search :
- Translated in french the help file.
- Small update of the french language file.
- Little interface improvements.
- Updated the link to mysql reference for all help files.

- Module Feedback :
- Displayed strings translations for the last name and first name were the same,
  even with different values.
  * Added a new value to all language files, all translated according language .
  * Change the function file of this module that it contain new value now.

Download Here

Change visibles Here

@olaf : Let me know if I made something wrong.

I include in .zip folder all modified files. Normally when unzipping the archive, the folder tree is preserved, starting from the root (in the htdocs folder on my server)

I can help with pleasure, the only problem is my free time and there are some months that i don't have any minute free due to my work and other hobbie (I raise small birds and they are very chrobophagous)

I am therefore hesitant to commit to a big project that I might take a long time to complete.

But why not in a collaborative framework. Knowing, once again, that I would not be the most available or productive, I can stay Away From Keyboard for long periods due to lack of free time.


Olaf / TerraProject

Thank you very much for the adjustments. I'll take a look at them carefully and integrate them into pmx. Yes, it's important for us to recognize where the limits are. It's better to take small steps than to take on a big project and then not finish it. That's why we always take small steps with pmx. We all have a life outside of pragmaMx. :BD:
But I'd still like to give you a tap when I have a beta. Maybe you'll have time to test it then. If it doesn't work, then that's okay too.
Thank you


Kein Support über PN, Mail etc.!
Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!

le Chaland

** 26/01/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Main french language file :
- Corrected the translation on line 343

Same link to download the zip archive wich containt all the files reworked.

le Chaland

le Chaland


Worked on the search module this time.

Translations and small improvements for pragmaMx
All visibles here :

** 25/01/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Theme pmx_base :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Theme default-pmx_flex_bw :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Module Search :
- Translated in french the help file.
- Small update of the french language file.
- Little interface improvements.
- Updated the link to mysql reference for all help files.

• Module Feedback :
- Displayed strings translations for the last name and first name were the same,
  even with different values.
  * Added a new value to all language files, all translated according language .
  * Change the function file of this module that it contain new value now.
** 26/01/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Main french language file :
- Corrected the translation on line 343

• Module News
- Optomized the look of admin menu to the vkp_news_options block
  that it is less compacted and more readable
- Corrected a translation and translated another one untranslated
- Small tweak in the Content Categories view page (added a breakline in the first title)
- print.php -> Disable unnecessary - hugly blank lines between hometext and bodytext
  that are automatically added

• Module Content
- printcontpage.php -> Disable unnecessary - hugly blank lines between header text and middle text
  that are automatically added

** 02/02/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Module Search
- Update of the search engines links for search more
- Added Qwant search engine, the European web search engine.
  And he is french - Cocorico :)



Merci pour les corrections effectués, je travail de mon coté sur les corrections et traductions de PMX ainsi qu'a la traduction du manuel utilisateur.

J'ai récemment installé SiriusGallery V 2.16, qui a besoin une grosse correction et traduction des fichiers langue français. Je les partagerais des le travail fini afin d'avoir un retour sur les corrections a finaliser. Olaf, les intégreras lors de la prochaine mise a jour de SiriusGallery.

Übersetzt von Google

Guten Abend,

Vielen Dank für die vorgenommenen Korrekturen, ich arbeite meinerseits an den Korrekturen und Übersetzungen von PMX sowie der Übersetzung des Benutzerhandbuchs.

Ich habe vor Kurzem SiriusGallery V 2.16 installiert, was eine umfangreiche Korrektur und Übersetzung der französischen Sprachdateien erfordert. Ich werde sie weitergeben, sobald die Arbeit abgeschlossen ist, um Feedback zu den noch vorzunehmenden Korrekturen zu erhalten. Olaf wird sie in das nächste SiriusGallery-Update integrieren.

le Chaland

Bonsoir, et enchanté  :hi: .

Je travaille à mon rytme surtout selon mon temps libre, rare par moments.

Content que mes améliorations plaisent.

Elles n'ont pas la vocation à faire de grands changements, je n'en n'ai pas la prétention. Je garderais certainement  celles qui ne seront pas prises en compte.

Je ne suis pas un maitre du code, bien content de parvenir à cela déjà.

Si tu as besoin d'aide, dis-le moi et je devrais pouvoir t'aider en traduisant un ou deux fichiers sur un lot de plusieurs par exemple.

Si jamais je te dis ne pas avoir le temps, cela ne veut pas dire que ce ne sera pas le cas ultérieurement.

En général je suis trés pris durant fin hivers - début été et ensuite en novembre.

Si tu veux je t'envoie en mp mon courriel ou encore what's app pour cela.


le Chaland

Hello  :hi:

Worked on five modules this day. (look at the bottom of the list for details)

As usual, not bigs reworks (not the goal), maybe can be considered as optimizations.

Without wanting to be selfish, I remain convinced that their final integration would be a good thing. In any event I would keep them with future updates.

Translations and small improvements for pragmaMx
All visibles here :

Search for commented lines in the modified files to find modifications :

///// Start of fix :
// Old code :
/* Commented code for archive */
// New code :
... here the fix ...
///// End of fix.

** 25/01/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Theme pmx_base :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Theme default-pmx_flex_bw :
- Updated french translation of admin, removed duplicated and faulty strings which caused a blank page.

• Module Search :
- Translated in french the help file.
- Small update of the french language file.
- Little interface improvements.
- Updated the link to mysql reference for all help files.

• Module Feedback :
- Displayed strings translations for the last name and first name were the same,
  even with different values.
  * Added a new value to all language files, all translated according language .
  * Change the function file of this module that it contain new value now.
** 26/01/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Main french language file :
- Corrected the translation on line 343

• Module News
- Optomized the look of admin menu to the vkp_news_options block
  that it is less compacted and more readable
- Corrected a translation and translated another one untranslated
- Small tweak in the Content Categories view page (added a breakline in the first title)
- print.php -> Disable unnecessary - hugly blank lines between hometext and bodytext
  that are automatically added

• Module Content
- printcontpage.php -> Disable unnecessary - hugly blank lines between header text and middle text
  that are automatically added

** 02/02/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files

• Module Search
- Update of the search engines links for search more
- Added Qwant search engine, the European web search engine.
  And he is french - Cocorico :)
  ** 09/02/2025 - From pmx 2.9.2 original files
• Module Web Links
- Cosmetic. List of categories take the whole page with empty space in portrait mode on mobile device.
  -> Doesn't happen with all themes. Fixed.
  ( changed a div tag to a span tag )
 • Module Downloads
 - Cosmetic. Same problem as Web Links, same solution.
 - Cosmetic. Header menu was on two lines if longs strings depending of language
    Fixed with code from header menu from weblinks
    The occasion to unify the design.
 • Module Top
 - Cosmetic. Same problem as Web Links, same solution.
 • Module Search
 - Cosmetic. Removed unnecessary spaces between NO RESULTS NOTIFICATION & SEARCH MORE PART
    on the results page.
 • Module newsletter
 - Language. Correction of the french translation for unsubscribing succesfull message confirmation.

Download archive here.
Modifications can be visibles on my own website.

le Chaland

  ** 14/02/2025
  • Module Your_Account
  - Correction of two french translation strings :
  -> Button to delete avatar : changed from "supprimée" to "supprimer"
  -> "Image personnalisé" -> "Image personnalisée"

As usual, inclued in the zip file.



Je viens de terminer un gros travail de traduction des fichiers langue français de SiriusGallery 2.16 qui en avait bien besoin.

Il restera certainement quelques ajustements et correction mineur a revoir.

Olaf intégrera les corrections dans une prochaine mise à jour de SiriusGallery 2.1X.


Guten Morgen,

Ich habe gerade eine umfangreiche Arbeit abgeschlossen und die französischen Sprachdateien von SiriusGallery 2.16 übersetzt, was wirklich nötig war.

Sicherlich wird es noch einige kleinere Anpassungen und Korrekturen zu überprüfen geben.

Olaf wird die Korrekturen in ein kommendes SiriusGallery 2.1X-Update integrieren.

Olaf / TerraProject

alle Updates sind jetzt online

all updates are online now here


Kein Support über PN, Mail etc.!
Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!