Can I use a logo for the forum?

Begonnen von tequila, 05 Oktober 2002, 03:04:37

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0 Mitglieder und 2 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


I want to use a logo in the forums header. Is this possible?


Yes, this is possible.

For this you have to:
  • rename "templates/header_with_logo.html" into "header.html"
  • specify your board-logo either in the "defaulttheme.php" for the "default"-theme or under "Control Panel -> Themes" for other themes. Here you have to use the relative path (e.g. "images/YourLogo.gif")
  • clear your browser-cache. Otherwise the old header might be still shown.
  • [/list=1]

    Than your logo should be shown in the  forums-header. If not, please check the path to your logo.

    [Editiert am 20/11/2002 von SiteAdmin Tequila]