Sirius gallery. problem homeblock don't reconize links reup old releases request

Begonnen von shorty, 12 Dezember 2013, 12:12:07

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


hello.  :smile:

I come because my siriusgallery block:  block-Sirius-header-center-NewestPictures
don't wanna link images to the detail page.
Also i come for ask if it's possible to re up old releases.
i run in 1.4 because 1.8.2 dont wanna upload images on my server [impossible to set number of pics can be upload by a member - always reach download quota don't know why. I've already open a support topic for this problem]. But i wanna try with other release more recent like 1.5.1 1.6 or 1.7 or 1.8 but i don't find a place where i can download it. So i don't know if be up to date will change this problem.

 * this is a part of SiriusGallery 
 * $Version 1.0 $
 * $Author: Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject $
 * $Date: 2011 $
 * modifyed by Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject ( 12/2009
 * Slideshow with javascript :
 *       Copyright 2000-2003 Patrick Fitzgerald

defined('mxMainFileLoaded') or die('access denied');

/* //// Beginn Blockkonfiguration  ////////////////////////// */
// Module name

// ANzahl der Bilder im Block

// Link auf Detailseite
$linkdetail=true;  // false=off , true=on

// Liste der Alben, aus denen keine Bilder angezeigt werden sollen. Die ID's durch Komma trennen.

// Zeit zwischen den Bildwechseln

// Höhe des Blockes in px

// Breite max des Bildes

// Effect Type
// zoom, push, wipe, combo,fade, pan


include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."core".DS."tabledef.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.sirius.php");

pmxHeader::add_style('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/moo_slideshow.css');
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/mootools.js');
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/moo_slideshow.js');
if (
is_file("modules".DS .$modulename.DS."templates".DS.$template.DS."blocks.css")) {


$notcat= ($cathidden=="")?"":" and aid not in(".$cathidden.") ";

$result=sql_query("select pid,aid,title,userid,orig_url from ".SG_TABLE_PICTURE." where  aid in(".$subids.")".$notcat." and  published=1 and aid >0 order by datetime desc limit $limit");

$pic 0;
$out '';
while (
$row sql_fetch_array($result)) {
$picture str_replace("//","/",$row['orig_url']);
$piclink = ($linkdetail)?'modules.php?name=' $modulename '&amp;act=detail&amp;pic=' $row['pid']:'';

$out .="imgs.push({
        file: '"
        desc: '',
        title: '"
        url: '"

//<a href=\"modules.php?name=$modulename\">$modulename</a>
$content .= "  <div id=\"slidewrap\">
    <div id=\"slideshow"
    <div id=\"loadingDiv\"></div>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
    window.addEvent('domready', function(){
      var imgs = [];
      var myshow"
.$bid." = new Slideshow('slideshow".$bid."', {
        type: '"
        showTitleCaption: 1,
        captionHeight: 25,
        width: "
        height: "
        pan: 50,
        zoom: 100,
        loadingDiv: 0,
        resize: true,
        duration: [2000, "
        transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut,
        images: imgs,
        path: '"
        showLink: false      });

        color: '#fff',
        fontSize: '13px'

        color: '#ccc',
        fontSize: '11px'


Olaf / TerraProject



Kein Support über PN, Mail etc.!
Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!


re  :smile:
So i've tried with every version but it's still not working 
i've can see now all java centers blocks come one time and diseappears one you click on
a linked image of block-Sirius-slide-center-NewestPictures.php and return to the home page   :puzzled:
block-Sirius-header-center-NewestPictures can't be clicked and diseappear after refreshing page
I've thinked at a cache problem and i've tried to activate/desactivate main cache and center blocks cache with the same result. I don't know why...
uploading image works  good 1.4 to 1.7.2 but still not working with 1.8.2  so i will stay with 1.7.2 for the moment...


 Re @ all community

i try with another block called :

 * this is a part of SiriusGallery 
 * $Version 1.0 $
 * $Author: Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject $
 * $Date: 2011 $
 * modifyed by Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject ( 12/2009
 * Slideshow with javascript :
 *       Copyright 2000-2003 Patrick Fitzgerald

defined('mxMainFileLoaded') or die('access denied');

/* //// Beginn Blockkonfiguration  ////////////////////////// */
// Module name

// ANzahl der Bilder im Block

// Liste der Alben, aus denen keine Bilder angezeigt werden sollen. Die ID's durch Komma trennen.

// Zeit zwischen den Bildwechseln

// Höhe des Blockes in px

// Breite max des Bildes
/* link zum Detailbild hinzufügen */
/* Titel anzeigen */

include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."core".DS."tabledef.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.sirius.php");

pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/jquery.cross-slide.js');
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js');


$notcat= ($cathidden=="")?"":" and aid not in(".$cathidden.") ";

$result=sql_query("select pid,aid,title,userid,orig_url from ".SG_TABLE_PICTURE." where  aid in(".$subids.") ".$notcat." and  published=1 and aid >0 order by datetime desc limit $limit");

$bid="slideshow".rand(1000,9999); //
$pic 0;
$out '';
$css="#".$bid." { width: ".$maxwidth."px;  height: ".$scrollheight."px; display:block;margin:auto;}
div.caption {
position: absolute;
margin-top: -45px;
margin-left: -75px;
width: 150px;
text-align: center;
left: 50%;
padding: 5px 10px;
background: black;
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;
border-radius: 10px;
display:none; }
$content.="<div id=\"".$bid."\" >";

$crossfade=array("bottom left","bottom right","top left","top right","100% 50%","50% 50%","30% 80%","70% 20%","center left","center right","top center","bottom center","center center");

while (
$row sql_fetch_array($result)) {
$picture str_replace("//","/",$row['orig_url']);
$piclink = ($linkdetail)?'modules.php?name=' $modulename '&amp;act=detail&amp;pic=' $row['pid']:'';
$out .="{
src: '"
alt: '"
from: '"
.$crossfade[$fade[0]]." ".$zooom[$zoom[0]]."x',
to: '"
.$crossfade[$fade[1]]." ".$zooom[$zoom[1]]."x',
time: "
.$Slide_Timeout." ,
href : '"

$content .="</div>".(($showTitle)?"<div class=\"caption\" style=\"display:block;\"></div>":"")."
<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n
  fade: "
  }, [ 
function(idx, img, idxOut, imgOut) {
  if (idxOut == undefined)
// starting single image phase, put up caption
$('div.caption').text(img.alt).animate({ opacity: .7 }),$('div.caption').show().css({ opacity: 0 })
// starting cross-fade phase, take out caption


Links working but only admins can view images  :puzzled:
and few time before it's was working after a time (not immediately)
i don't why it's work for admin now
Userrs & Guests just see a black line in place of images.
I feel a cache problem but i really don't know...

longlife to pragmamx

Olaf / TerraProject



Kein Support über PN, Mail etc.!
Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!

Olaf / TerraProject

in the block is missing the jquery-call  :pardon:
insert before:
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' . $modulename . '/style/js/jquery.cross-slide.js');

this code



Kein Support über PN, Mail etc.!
Bitte die Fragen im Forum stellen, nur so helfen die Antworten auch den anderen Usern.
Bitte auch die Boardsuche nicht vergessen, oft ist genau dein Problem schon an anderer Stelle gelöst worden!



Perfect it's working now !  :BD:

I started to fix the a problem for the link images block
block-Sirius-header-center-NewestPictures (absent in last version ?)
I use it because it's possible to choose different effects.
Now links working for one image on two. like working the first third etc... like
i've changed at line 117 :
       showLink: false      });


       showLink: true      });

and an error inside the link adress (because non utf-8 characters encoding ?)
at line 87

   $piclink = ($linkdetail)?'modules.php?name=' . $modulename . '&amp;act=detail&amp;pic=' . $row['pid']:'';

replaced by

   $piclink = ($linkdetail)?'modules.php?name=' . $modulename . '&act=detail&pic=' . $row['pid']:'';
actual block :

 * this is a part of SiriusGallery 
 * $Version 1.0 $
 * $Author: Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject $
 * $Date: 2011 $
 * modifyed by Olaf Herfurth / TerraProject ( 12/2009
 * Slideshow with javascript :
 *       Copyright 2000-2003 Patrick Fitzgerald

defined('mxMainFileLoaded') or die('access denied');

/* //// Beginn Blockkonfiguration  ////////////////////////// */
// Module name

// ANzahl der Bilder im Block

// Link auf Detailseite
$linkdetail=true;  // false=off , true=on

// Liste der Alben, aus denen keine Bilder angezeigt werden sollen. Die ID's durch Komma trennen.

// Zeit zwischen den Bildwechseln

// Höhe des Blockes in px

// Breite max des Bildes

// Effect Type
// zoom, push, wipe, combo,fade, pan


include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."core".DS."tabledef.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.php");
include_once (
PMX_MODULES_PATH .$modulename.DS."inc".DS."functions.sirius.php");

pmxHeader::add_style('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/moo_slideshow.css');
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/mootools.js');
pmxHeader::add_script('modules/' $modulename '/style/js/moo_slideshow.js');
if (
is_file("modules".DS .$modulename.DS."templates".DS.$template.DS."blocks.css")) {


$notcat= ($cathidden=="")?"":" and aid not in(".$cathidden.") ";

$result=sql_query("select pid,aid,title,userid,orig_url from ".SG_TABLE_PICTURE." where  aid in(".$subids.")".$notcat." and  published=1 and aid >0 order by datetime desc limit $limit");

$pic 0;
$out '';
while (
$row sql_fetch_array($result)) {
$picture str_replace("//","/",$row['orig_url']);
$piclink = ($linkdetail)?'modules.php?name=' $modulename '&act=detail&pic=' $row['pid']:'';

$out .="imgs.push({
        file: '"
        desc: '',
        title: '"
        url: '"

//<a href=\"modules.php?name=$modulename\">$modulename</a>
$content .= "  <div id=\"slidewrap\">
    <div id=\"slideshow"
    <div id=\"loadingDiv\"></div>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
    window.addEvent('domready', function(){
      var imgs = [];
      var myshow"
.$bid." = new Slideshow('slideshow".$bid."', {
        type: '"
        showTitleCaption: 1,
        captionHeight: 25,
        width: "
        height: "
        pan: 50,
        zoom: 100,
        loadingDiv: 0,
        resize: true,
        duration: [2000, "
        transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut,
        images: imgs,
        path: '"
        showLink: true      });

        color: '#fff',
        fontSize: '13px'

        color: '#ccc',
        fontSize: '11px'


Thanks for your help  :thumbup: