[gelöst] You can't access this file directly... @ update from 0.1.11

Begonnen von shorty, 24 Februar 2012, 04:03:41

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 Hello @ all PragmaMx Worlwide community  :cool:

I come today because i've an error when i wanna update and i don't know why  :gruebel:

When i'm at the step for convert tables
PragmaMX tell me this
You can't access this file directly...
I'm connected in admin in my website and i don't see why i've got this error.
Thanks for you help and longlife for PragmaMx.



Hi :)

have you installed modules that were not supplied with pragmaMx?
If yes, what?

And please show in the subfolder /core/ of these modules, if there is a file called install.tabledef.php.
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Thanks for you help
No i don't install modules not compatible with pragmamx.
And it's worked before.
And it's the first time i've this problem and i do some upgrades since 1.19
Last time i do on my test website 0.1.11 to 1.12 successfully on the same server with same modules.
and a lot of other website also with same modules. This time i try directly to 1.12.1

into my setup folder i see : setup/systabledefs and files into it.
but possible i've X7 Chat  (with algebre brudge) & old Nuke mods like NukeC into my modules folder.


I don't know why,
but i do another attempt after you response. (with another computer in another place)
And it's works !!  :BD:

Thanks for you help  :thumbup: