
Begonnen von , 21 März 2002, 17:12:25

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Hello All, Great package of v.55, Runs Great. The only Problem I have is the Bug when I go from my post nuke site to the phpnuke v.55 I get a lanuage sql error, where I have to delete my cookies to get rid of the error this problem is not on all my post nuke sites just a couple a phpnuke bug or an postnuke problem?

My question is I have a news magazine site and I want to run a different theme than the two in v.55 what changes to I have to make to use the counter and bottom banner add on, I have tried adding the cblock like in the plantimum theme into another theme index, but I get an parse error? How to I add these? great stuff from you all here! I want to run a theme like nukenew grey or?


Hi Unknown,

sorry, but i can't define your cookieproblem cause within the cookies there were also the siteurls and so its equal how the cookies are named.
Please can you enter here some links so that i can try to get your error?

Its a little difficult to solve your second prob, cause there are many different themes all around in the world....

The first thing is to delete the "if banners" functioncode into your choiced theme and then entering
the codes from our themes (the footerbanner only runs in our vkp, we plan a standalonemodule for the future).

For our counter you need only to insert the $fszcounter variable into your theme in the "function themeheader" (take a look in our themes for the right position, as example)
But it runs only if you use our vkp, cause the $fszcounter function is defined in some other files too.

I hope i can help you a little and it would be nice if you register on our site, thx
greets Franky

Thanks I will register on your site. I will try to add the counter. But I still do not understand the explanation of the 2 banner code. If I'am running your V.55 and I use a different theme I do not see why I cannot add the second banner to the code? I seen in xoops they are using a revamped phpadds and done away with the banner system.

The site url is http://planetpornozone.com/live  The front end is http://www.planetpornozone.com/front  
A Adult Industry news site, I may switch the news offer the v.55 though I was using a double center block theme with and more news modules from portalzine.de but it is not working of late. I have had no problems withe the v.55 except the sql cookie error, the guestbook, and hip modules. They all worked on another domain except I still had the sql language error.


if you use an other theme you  must modiefied this theme in some lines:
look our theme.php and  you find this lines
Zitatfunction themeheader() {
    global $user, $banners, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $admin, $fszcounter, $prefix, $dbi;
add the  $fszcounter in your theme.php (  but the counter ist still a DEMO.
Than search  in our theme.php  this lines
    echo "</td><td><img src=\"themes/maaX_dESIGN_platin/images/pixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></td><td width=\"100%\">\n";
         include ("themes/maaX_dESIGN_platin/cblock.php");
add this in your themes.php :         include ("themes/maaX_dESIGN_platin/cblock.php");
and now search this lines in our theme.php
Zitatglobal $prefix, $bannersfsz, $index;
   if ($bannersfsz) {
         include ("themes/maaX_dESIGN_platin/disc.php");
and  copy this inn yours theme.php.
Now  copy the  disc.php and the cblock.php in  your themes File and all will running  with same function than our themes.


Hi, everybody!
I am going to go to PHP-Nuke from PostNuke. I think there is much more good options in PHP-NUke.
I am going to start from beginning.
What fresh installations will be better? (what version?) I mean the following: for beginning I want to have hit counter and "Who is online" like yours.
Could you give me links?

Thak you in advance.

PS. Where I can get information about UserPoint (in English!)  [Bearbeitet am: 13/4/2002 von spadver]


 fine tht you start Nuke :)

All what you need is in our Downloadsection. Use our VKP 5.5  and  many Bugs will fixed in this ,and all you want is in the PACK :)  like the Online Block and something more:)

Give us an  Link if you are ready