[Erledigt] Spam in den News trotz Captcha

Begonnen von reddragon, 12 Februar 2009, 18:32:16

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.



ich habe gerade mal auf einer Seite von mir vorbei geschaut, und festgestellt, dass ich dort vom 10.11. bis zum 30.12. exakt 1050 Kommentare in einer News habe. Alles Spam!

Es hat das Ausmaß angenommen, dass wenn ich mich als Admin einlogge folgende Fehlermeldung in der News kommt:
ZitatFatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6342869 bytes) in /is/htdocs/****/_____mx_shockflyer_0-1-10/footer.php on line 137

Wenn ich nun als Admin die Kommentare moderieren möchte kommt folgendes:
ZitatError sql_query():
qry: SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid as parent, ratingcomments as `comment`, ratingtimestamp as `cdate`, ratinguser as `user`, ratinghostname as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_downloads_votedata` WHERE `ratingcomments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'links' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid as parent, ratingcomments as `comment`, ratingtimestamp as `cdate`, ratinguser as `user`, ratinghostname as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_links_votedata` WHERE `ratingcomments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'reviews' as ctype, cid, rid as parent, comments as `comment`, FROM_UNIXTIME(`date`) as `cdate`, username as `user`, '' as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_reviews_comments` WHERE `comments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'news' as ctype, tid as cid, sid as parent, comment, FROM_UNIXTIME(`reply_date`) as `cdate`, name as `user`, host_name as host, subject FROM `{prefix}_comments` WHERE `comment` <> '' UNION SELECT 'polls' as ctype, tid as cid, pollID as parent, comment, `date` as `cdate`, name as `user`, host_name as host, subject FROM `{prefix}_pollcomments` WHERE `comment` <> '' UNION SELECT 'egallery' as ctype, cid, pid as parent, comment, `date` as `cdate`, name as `user`, '' as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_gallery_comments` WHERE `comment` <> '' ORDER BY `cdate` DESC LIMIT 0, 21;
descr: Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION' ( mysql 1271 )

file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 192,  cmd: sql_query(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype,  ratingdbid as cid,  ratinglid ...),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 313,  cmd: listcomments(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype,  ratingdbid as cid,  ratinglid ...),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  28,  cmd: include(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype,  ratingdbid as cid,  ratinglid ...,  /admi...),
file: /admin.php # line: 830,  cmd: include(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype,  ratingdbid as cid,  ratinglid ...,  /admi...,  /admi...),
Error sql_fetch_assoc():
descr: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource


file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 198,  cmd: sql_fetch_assoc(false),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 313,  cmd: listcomments(false),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  28,  cmd: include(false,  /admi...),
file: /admin.php # line: 830,  cmd: include(false,  /admi...,  /admi...),


Moin reddragon

Schon probiert die Kommentare direkt über die Datenbank zu löschen?

Hast Du überall Dein Captcha so schwach eingestellt wie auf Deiner Seite?

«Der beliebteste Fehler unter den Leuten, die etwas absolut idiotensicheres konstruieren wollen ist der, dass sie den Erfindungsreichtum von absoluten Idioten unterschätzen.»
Douglas Adams


habs über die DB gelöscht, und hatte vergessen zu sagen, dass es auf der Seite, die es betroffen hat, die Standarteinstellungen waren :red: