Error with VKP5.5 header.php .. Help .. SOS.

Begonnen von , 14 Juli 2002, 02:17:03

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I just installed your VKP 5.5 as a new install and I also uploaded all the new files from the Update Pack which i downloaded.

All seems to be working Ok but when i click on Topics  I am getting this ERROR.!

This is the error I am getting:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare head() (previously declared in /home/xxxx/public_html/header.php:29) in /home/xxxxx/public_html/header.php on line 28

Can you please tell me what to do I would much prefer to use your script than the default 5.5. from phpnuke.

An early reply would be much appreciated.

TeraMera :cry


 oh  ist easy  ERROR :)  in your adminsection   klick on TOPIC and  set  one Topic  you want :)  example: SITENEWS .  
THATS all and the ERROR is history  :D

Thank You very very much.
It worked just like you said.
I am so happy now....

Sorry about the 2nd post  I didnt know weither the button i clicked would post or not ... I cant read German Language.

Thanks once a :) gain.