PragmaMx .19 mehrsprachig

Begonnen von algebre, 09 April 2007, 19:47:51

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0 Mitglieder und 3 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Now pragmamx is in six different languages,
All modules and blocks are multilingual (except forum, downloads, and web - link)
You can see all that here :thumbup: :thumbup:

Languages are:
1 English
2 German
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Turkish
6 Arabic (not finished, 75%  :BD:)

I read this message (after translation of Google) 
about Content FullMultilanguage

Question can we mix the two ideas and integrate them to the new version 0.2? :gruebel:


Guten Tag
Jetzt ist pragmamx in sechs anderen Sprachen,
Alle Bauelemente und die Block sind vielsprachig (außer Forum, lädt nach, und Spinnwebe-Glied)
Sie können alle sehen der hier

Sprachen sind:
1 Engländer
2 Deutscher
3 Französisch
4 Spanisch
5 Türkisch
6 Arabisch (beendete 75% nicht wieder)

Ich las diese Mitteilung (nach Übersetzung von Google)

Kann Frage, daß wir die zwei Ideen mischen und sie zur neuen Version 0.2 integrieren?
(translated by google french 2 german)


Hello algebre,

ZitatQuestion can we mix the two ideas and integrate them to the new version 0.2?

Version 0.2 is too different from 0.1.9.x so i think for the 0.2 we start again programming ;)

my site, blocks (include sommaire) and modules (except forum) are also complete ml up to 5 free selectablly languages, so i think we take two different ways ...

cause you've read the content fullmlthread, you see that we reprogram the modules for real fullml, you can see it in content or weblinks of my site ...

if you are interested on an experience-out-dip you can contact me simply by email (please in english, my french isn't so good ;)   )...

greets Franky



Try to click on the flag representing your language in Any  site based on pragmamx, except  1 and 2, What happen  ?  :cul: Nothing.
Besides all the CMS are like that.  :BD:

Go throw a stroke of eye  here /
You found a site with 7 languages, 7 DIR  (home/fr, home/de, home/en...) and 7 data bases. !!!!!!!!!

My idea is very simple, a few small modifications on 5 or 6 files, and some supplementary  columns in the data base. ( # depends the case)
That's  all.

For blocks, we  create 14 blocks (default) for every language « 14X6=84 »
Ex. de = Hauptmenu, fr = Sommaire, en = main menu......

For an automatic redirection we can put  an index.html into root of the site, of here is the content :
<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="PragmaMx Multilingue">
<META NAME="Distribution" CONTENT="Global">
<META NAME="Robots" CONTENT="All">

var langcodes=new Array("en", "fr", "de", "ar", "sp", "tr", "default")
var langredirects=new Array("index.php?newlang=english", "index.php?newlang=french", "index.php?newlang=german", "index.php?newlang=arabic", "index.php?newlang=spanish", "index.php?newlang=turkish", "index.php")
var languageinfo=navigator.language? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage
var gotodefault=1

function redirectpage(dest){
if (window.location.replace)

for (i=0;i<langcodes.length-1;i++){
if (languageinfo.substr(0,2)==langcodes[i]){

if (gotodefault)



@ algebre

"Heute gibt es 56 TV in Germanian in die Liste."

:puzzled: that is not german, that is "trallala", sorry.

Gruss Ria
da geh ich doch lieber hier hin:



ZitatHeute gibt es 56 TV in Germanian in die Liste

This site is not mine.   It is an example of sites, 7 in 1.     I don't understand German, to say is this tara-lala or bala-lala?      :gruebel:

This is not indeed a multilingual site,   
You can note that him has 7 directories in the root of his site!!!! :) & 7 data base


NOW, it is done the multilingual cms (pragmamx) with forum (smf)

in each language (04) there are two categories and in each categories there are two messages.
if you want to write something (for test), you can loggin using (tester, test)


JETZT wird es dem cms mit Forum (smf) mehrsprachig

in jeder Sprache (04) gibt es zwei Kategorien und in jedem sind Kategorien dort zwei thema.
wenn du etwas schreiben möchtest (für Test), kannst du loggin Verwenden (tester, test)


is this idea useful or not? :cool:

(you can reply messages without loggin in smf)


Zitat von: Andi sind wir sehr froh und dankbar, dass auch Entwickler ausserhalb des Kernteams, in eigener Regie etwas entwickeln, extra betreuen und supporten.

Content ist ein Modul, wie jedes andere auch.
Wir als Team wollen und können nicht jedes Modul, das neue Features und Verbesserungen mitbringt "übernehmen". Ich sage es mal ganz krass, wir knabbern heute noch gewaltig an den Altlasten, die von phpNuke übrig geblieben sind und wollen endlich unser eigenes Projekt durchziehen und unsere eigenen Ideen verwirklichen.
So wie es hier beschrieben wird:

Auch gegenüber den Entwicklern solcher Module und Addons finde ich es einfach nur doof, wenn wir deren Ideen einfach übernehmen würden und dies dann unter unserem Namen "vermarkten" würden.

Die Entwicklung von pragmaMx kommt besser weiter, wenn möglichst viele Entwickler Eigeninitiative zeigen und Module, Addons, Blöcke und Themes bauen. Diese Arbeit wird uns von den Schultern genommen und wir können uns endlich auf unser Kernsystem konzentrieren.

ich begreife nichts! :puzzled:


First of all we are very happy, that there are coders out there who work on special items of pragmaMx, invent new things an support those new possibilities.

The content module is just a module like the others.
Our team isn't able and willing to adapt every feature, module or modification. One of the reasons is that there are still dead-code-bodies out of phpnuke.  So we want to go new ways of programming and want to follow imagination and our ideas. You'll find some ideas

It wouldn't be nice of us just to copy the ideas of other programming people, and put a sign of pragmaMx upon it.

We believe in the power of many coders doing their own thing and build their own modules, blocks, addons and themes. Take this rough work of our shoulders, so we can focus to the core on 02 pragmaMx. We have got so many many ideas ...

If you don't understand my english, it's my fault not Andi's :BD:

greetings olaf

Kein Support über Mail, (ungefragter) PN oder ICQ, ausschließlich direkt im Forum!
Das ich so was mal schreiben muss;-)


I'm not understand
The content module is just a module like the others.
I think  :gruebel: The content module is by default multilingual

ZitatIt wouldn't be nice of us just to copy the ideas of other programming people, and put a sign of pragmaMx upon it.
I think  :gruebel: bridge smf & bridge copermine is a sign of pragmaMx upon
module content:
Zitat* this file based on:
* php-nuke Web Portal System -
* Thatware -

module download:

Zitat* this file based on:
* php-nuke Web Portal System -
* Thatware -
* Based on Journey Links Hack
* Copyright (c) 2000 by James Knickelbein
* Journey Milwaukee (

module weblink:

Zitat* this file based on:
* php-nuke Web Portal System -
* Thatware -
* Based on Journey Links Hack
* Copyright (c) 2000 by James Knickelbein
* Journey Milwaukee (


now for the multilingual cms and foru is my idea (not
Zitatcopy the ideas of other programming people

for the other modules like google search or ftp or mx_installer it's like smf bridge (I  :gruebel:)


that's right and we mention the coders, who coded the base.

But we don't take too many of extra-code, because we've got to verify and validate the new code. And sometimes it's a lot of extra work.

Our aim ist vers. 02 of pragmaMx. Compared to the 01xs, it's a step far beyond...

If you want to code modules for 01x, it's totally allright and we'll try to give you any help we can, but we don't take any new feature or module into the stable version of 01x. There will be security-updates and debugging only.

Perhabs you are interested in the new version and codes. This weekend we'll meet here in Bremen and discuss the future of pragma. Part of the discussions will be the integration of new coders.


Kein Support über Mail, (ungefragter) PN oder ICQ, ausschließlich direkt im Forum!
Das ich so was mal schreiben muss;-)



Zitatit's totally allright and we'll try to give you any help we can

oh yes , I need help here : Installation and here : translation