Kommentare moderieren >> SQL Fehler ??

Begonnen von maverik, 07 Dezember 2006, 15:35:56

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.



hat schon jemand die oben genannte Funktion getestet? Ich habe 3 Installationen upgedatet und bekomme dreimal die gleiche Meldung

ZitatError sql_fetch_assoc():
descr: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 205, cmd: sql_fetch_assoc(false),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(false),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(false, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(false, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Es gibt dazu noch eine riesen lange Fehlerliste die ich aber gar nicht hier zu posten wage.

Kann das bitte mal jemand bei sich kontrollieren oder weiß dazu schon jemand eine Lösung?

so long maverik


Keine Probs bei mir, wie bei der gesamten update aktion. lief glatt...
naja, eine "kleinigkeit". hab ich in anderem forenteil geschrieben. sollte sich aber beheben lassen.


Hi :)

welche mySql-Version läuft auf deinem Server?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


nabend andi

MySQL-Version: 4.1.10a
PHP-Version: 4.3.10
Server-Version: Apache/2.0.53

und das alles auf suse 9.3

so long maverik


Hi :)

komisch, damit sollte es eigentlich funktionieren, weil 4.x muss es für diese Funktion mindestens sein...

Schalte mal bitte den Debugmodus und "sql-Fehler anzeigen" ein und poste doch die komplette Liste der Meldungen.
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


ok, du hast es so gewollt  :cool:
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter. in /srv/www/vhosts/nrbw.de/httpdocs/includes/mx_system.php on line 188

Error sql_query():
qry: SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid as parent, ratingcomments as `comment`, ratingtimestamp as `cdate`, ratinguser as `user`, ratinghostname as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_downloads_votedata` WHERE `ratingcomments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'links' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid as parent, ratingcomments as `comment`, ratingtimestamp as `cdate`, ratinguser as `user`, ratinghostname as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_links_votedata` WHERE `ratingcomments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'reviews' as ctype, cid, rid as parent, comments as `comment`, FROM_UNIXTIME(`date`) as `cdate`, username as `user`, '' as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_reviews_comments` WHERE `comments` <> '' UNION SELECT 'news' as ctype, tid as cid, sid as parent, comment, FROM_UNIXTIME(`reply_date`) as `cdate`, name as `user`, host_name as host, subject FROM `{prefix}_comments` WHERE `comment` <> '' UNION SELECT 'polls' as ctype, tid as cid, pollID as parent, comment, `date` as `cdate`, name as `user`, host_name as host, subject FROM `{prefix}_pollcomments` WHERE `comment` <> '' UNION SELECT 'egallery' as ctype, cid, pid as parent, comment, `date` as `cdate`, name as `user`, '' as host, '' as subject FROM `{prefix}_gallery_comments` WHERE `comment` <> '' UNION SELECT 'coppermine' as ctype, msg_id as cid, pid as parent, msg_body as `comment`, msg_date as `cdate`, msg_author as `user`, msg_raw_ip as host, msg_hdr_ip as subject FROM `{prefix}_cpg145_comments` WHERE `msg_body` <> '' ORDER BY `cdate` DESC LIMIT 0, 21;
descr: Lost connection to MySQL server during query ( mysql 2013 )

file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 199, cmd: sql_query(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid a...),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid a...),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid a..., /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(
    SELECT 'downloads' as ctype, ratingdbid as cid, ratinglid a..., /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: update {prefix}_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and var='hits') or (var='Mozilla' and type='browser') or (var='Windows' and type='os')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 239, cmd: sql_query(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and...),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and...),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and..., /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and..., /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(update mx14928_counter set count=count+1 where (type='total' and..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: select count(hour) from {prefix}_stats where (year='2006') and (month='12') and (date='7')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 247, cmd: sql_query(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m...),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m...),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m..., /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m..., /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(select count(hour) from mx14928_stats where (year='2006') and (m..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_fetch_row():
descr: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 248, cmd: sql_fetch_row(false),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(false),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(false, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(false, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(false, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(false, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '0', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','0','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '1', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','1','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '2', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','2','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '3', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','3','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '4', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','4','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '5', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','5','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '6', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','6','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '7', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','7','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '8', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','8','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '9', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','9','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '10', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','10','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '11', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','11','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '12', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','12','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '13', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','13','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '14', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','14','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '15', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','15','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '16', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','16','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '17', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','17','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '18', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','18','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '19', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','19','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '20', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','20','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '21', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','21','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '22', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','22','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: REPLACE INTO {prefix}_stats values('2006', '12', '7', '23', '0')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 251, cmd: sql_query(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0')),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0')),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0'), /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(REPLACE INTO mx14928_stats values('2006','12','7','23','0'), /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: update {prefix}_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (month='12') and (date='7') and (hour='20')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line: 255, cmd: sql_query(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo...),
file: /header.php # line:  49, cmd: mxcounter(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo...),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo..., /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo..., /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(update mx14928_stats set hits=hits+1 where (year='2006') and (mo..., /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRENT_DATE, 5) < RIGHT(user_bday, 5)) AS user_age from {prefix}_users where uname='webmaster' and pass='b1765061beca93608437d7a850d631ee' and user_stat=1
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 598, cmd: sql_query(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE...),
file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 758, cmd: mxgetuserdata(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 376, cmd: mxmoduleallowed(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 157, cmd: mx_theme_searchform(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(select *, (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(user_bday)) - ( RIGHT(CURRE..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: select main_module from {prefix}_main WHERE main_module <> ''
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 809, cmd: sql_query(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> ''),
file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 762, cmd: mxgetmainmodulename(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> ''),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 376, cmd: mxmoduleallowed(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 157, cmd: mx_theme_searchform(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(select main_module from mx14928_main WHERE main_module <> '', Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_fetch_row():
descr: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 810, cmd: sql_fetch_row(false),
file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 762, cmd: mxgetmainmodulename(false),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 376, cmd: mxmoduleallowed(false, Search),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 157, cmd: mx_theme_searchform(false, Search),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(false, Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: SELECT m.mid, m.title FROM {prefix}_modules AS m LEFT JOIN {prefix}_groups_modules AS g ON m.mid = g.module_id WHERE ((title = 'News') OR (view = 0 AND active=1) OR (view = 1 AND g.group_id=1 AND active=1) OR (view = 2)) ORDER BY m.title ASC
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /includes/mx_api.php # line: 779, cmd: sql_query(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 376, cmd: mxmoduleallowed(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 157, cmd: mx_theme_searchform(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(SELECT m.mid, m.title
             FROM mx14928_modules AS m LEF..., Search, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: SELECT Count(ip) FROM {prefix}_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND uid=0
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 475, cmd: sql_query(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 161, cmd: mx_total_user_online(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(SELECT Count(ip) FROM mx14928_visitors WHERE time>1165519600 AND..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_fetch_row():
descr: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 476, cmd: sql_fetch_row(false),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 161, cmd: mx_total_user_online(false),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(false, <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_query():
qry: SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {prefix}_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 1165519600 AND user_stat=1 AND user_lastmod<>'logout')
descr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )

file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 479, cmd: sql_query(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/functions.php # line: 161, cmd: mx_total_user_online(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line:  64, cmd: theme_replace_start(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /includes/mx_themes.php # line: 550, cmd: theme_get_template(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma...),
file: /themes/rbw-design/theme.php # line: 144, cmd: include_once(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php),
file: /includes/mx_api_2.php # line:  23, cmd: include_once(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /header.php # line:  67, cmd: includetheme(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 204, cmd: include(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/modules/comments.php # line: 316, cmd: listcomments(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php),
file: /admin/case/case.comments.php # line:  29, cmd: include(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php),
file: /admin.php # line: 664, cmd: include(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM mx14928_users WHERE (user_lastvisit >= 11..., <!--
pragmaMx  Content Ma..., /includes/mx_themes.php, /themes/rbw-design/theme.php, /header.php, /admin/modules/comments.php, /admin/case/case.comments.php),

Error sql_fetch_row():
descr: mysq


tja passt irgendwie gar nicht alles eini... :puzzled:


Zitatdescr: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) ( mysql 2002 )
da spinnt aber so einiges ....


Zitatda spinnt aber so einiges ....

maybe spinnt da so einiges, deswegen habe ich mich ja hier gemeldet :)

alle seiten liefen und laufen einwandfrei bis auf diese kommentar funktion

auf meinem server läuft auch noch die seite eines bekannten mit phpkit, auch einwandfrei und testinstallationen von anderen cms unter anderem auch typo3 version 4.0

deswegen denke ich kann es nicht wirklich an meinem server liegen und vermute den fehler halt in der kommentarfunktion

maybe findet ja doch noch jemand den teufel im detail    :gruebel:

so long maverik


Schau mal bitte in den dateikopf der includes/mx_system.php Was da bei
* $Revision:

Das hier hat definitiv etwas mit dem Server zu tun.
Zitatdescr: Lost connection to MySQL server during query ( mysql 2013 )
Evt. wird da zuviel abgefragt oder zuviele UNIONS ?!
Muss mer mal rausprüfen.




Es könnte sich hier tatsächlich auch um einen Bug im MySQL-Server zu handeln.
Siehe dazu diesen bugreport

Weiterhin könnte der MySQL Thread-Stack zu niederig gesetzt sein.

Oder wegen der Unions könnte die InnoDB-Ünterstützung gebraucht werden, welche deaktiviert ist ?!


 :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled:

ich glaube ich will gar keine kommentarfunktion  :gruebel:

also ich bin nicht der linux guru, verwalte mein sys mit plesk und weiß nicht wie sich die mimose plesk verhält wenn ich da nun den sql server update  :gruebel:


so long maverik


Naja, wir müssen ja erst noch genau feststellen wo es denn nun dran liegt...



Moin :)

das ist mir jetzt auch ein Rätsel...
Die nächsten Tage mal nachforschen ob es da mehr Infos dazu gibt....
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


möchte auch noch was unangehmes zum Thema Kommentarfunktion beissteuern. Bei meinen drei Pragmas erscheint nach klick auf Kommentare moderieren entweder nix zum moderieren oder es gibt in der Haupttabelle nur weiss zu sehen und alle Blöcke links und rechts sind weg.

Mir selber ist die Funktion nicht so sehr wichtig, wollte nur darauf hinweisen.

der Falk


@Falkaner: Hast Du eine Komplettinstallation vorgenommen, oder hast Du nur ein Upgradepaket
(z.B. Version 0.18 --> Version 0.19) genommen ?



nur upgrade von 0.18 auf 0.19, warum sollte ich noch mal komplett neuinstallieren ... bin doch richtig zufrieden mit deinem/meinem/unserem PragmaMx  :thumbup:


Bisheriger Kenntnisstand: ich denke es liegt an der Konfiguration des MySQL-Servers.
Ich habe einmal eine Übersicht von einem laufenden und einem nicht laufenden System gegenübergestellt.

Funktionierende Einstellungen
back_log: 50
basedir: /usr/local/mysql-standard-4.1.18-pc-linux-gnu-i686/
binlog_cache_size: 32768
concurrent_insert: ON
connect_timeout: 5
datadir: /usr/local/mysql/data/
delay_key_write: ON
delayed_insert_limit: 100
delayed_insert_timeout: 300
delayed_queue_size: 1000
flush: OFF
flush_time: 0
have_bdb: NO
have_innodb: YES
have_raid: YES
have_openssl: NO
interactive_timeout: 28800
join_buffer_size: 131072
key_buffer_size: 268435456
language: /usr/local/mysql-standard-4.1.18-pc-linux-gnu-i686/share/mysql/english/
large_files_support: ON
log: OFF
log_update: OFF
log_bin: OFF
log_slave_updates: OFF
long_query_time: 10
low_priority_updates: OFF
lower_case_table_names: 0
max_allowed_packet: 67107840
max_binlog_cache_size: 4294967295
max_connections: 100
max_connect_errors: 10
max_delayed_threads: 20
max_heap_table_size: 16777216
max_join_size: 4294967295
max_sort_length: 1024
max_tmp_tables: 32
max_write_lock_count: 4294967295
myisam_recover_options: OFF
myisam_sort_buffer_size: 67108864
net_buffer_length: 16384
net_read_timeout: 30
net_retry_count: 10
net_write_timeout: 60
open_files_limit: 1024
pid_file: /usr/local/mysql/data/dps33.pid
port: 3306
protocol_version: 10
server_id: 1
skip_networking: OFF
skip_show_database: OFF
slow_launch_time: 2
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
table_cache: 256
table_type: MyISAM
thread_cache_size: 8
thread_stack: 126976
tmp_table_size: 33554432
version: 4.1.18-standard
wait_timeout: 28800

Nicht funktionierende Einstellungen
back_log: 50
basedir: /usr/
binlog_cache_size: 32768
concurrent_insert: ON
connect_timeout: 5
datadir: /var/lib/mysql/
delay_key_write: ON
delayed_insert_limit: 100
delayed_insert_timeout: 300
delayed_queue_size: 1000
flush: OFF
flush_time: 0
have_bdb: NO
have_innodb: YES
have_raid: NO
have_openssl: NO
interactive_timeout: 28800
join_buffer_size: 131072
key_buffer_size: 16777216
language: /usr/share/mysql/english/
large_files_support: ON
log: OFF
log_update: OFF
log_bin: OFF
log_slave_updates: OFF
long_query_time: 10
low_priority_updates: OFF
lower_case_table_names: 0
max_allowed_packet: 1047552
max_binlog_cache_size: 4294967295
max_connections: 100
max_connect_errors: 10
max_delayed_threads: 20
max_heap_table_size: 16777216
max_join_size: 4294967295
max_sort_length: 1024
max_tmp_tables: 32
max_write_lock_count: 4294967295
myisam_recover_options: OFF
myisam_sort_buffer_size: 8388608
net_buffer_length: 8192
net_read_timeout: 30
net_retry_count: 10
net_write_timeout: 60
open_files_limit: 1024
pid_file: /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.pid
port: 3306
protocol_version: 10
server_id: 1
skip_networking: OFF
skip_show_database: OFF
slow_launch_time: 2
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
table_cache: 64
table_type: MyISAM
thread_cache_size: 0
thread_stack: 196608
tmp_table_size: 33554432
version: 4.1.10a
wait_timeout: 28800

Unterschiede in den Einstellungen für : have_raid, key_buffer_size, max_allowed_packet, myisam_sort_buffer_size, net_buffer_length, table_cache, thread_cache_size (ganz wichtig, denke ich !)

Als Anhang nochmal als html-File zum selbst vergleichen


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Hi @ll,

ich hab nun mal versucht das Prob von maverik nachzuspielen ....

und siehe da ...

auf meiner mainpage, auf der ich die Kommentare ueberhaupt nicht verwende, bekomme ich den gleichen Salmon wie maverik, bei eingeschaltetem Debugmode und SQL-Fehler anzeigen
PHP-Version:     4.3.10
MySQL-Version:    4.1.10a
Server-Version:    Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE)

auf meiner Testseite mit folgenden Serverdaten:
PHP-Version:     4.4.4
MySQL-Version:    5.0.26-standard-log
Server-Version:    Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)

laeuft alles perfekt ...

auf meinem Testserver
PHP-Version:     5.1.4
MySQL-Version:    5.0.21-community-nt
Server-Version:    Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.1.4

laeuft auch alles perfekt ...

hoffe die Infos helfen ein wenig weiter ...

btw eigentlich muessten imho viel mehr leute das prob haben, denn so selten sind die erstgenannten Serverdaten ja nun auch nicht .... werden soweit mir bekannt bei den meisten Rootservern eingesetzt
greets Franky



wie schon erwähnt bin ich nicht der linux guru und maybe habe ich auf meinem server nicht gerade die aktuellste mysql version aber was ich nicht verstehe ist, dass diese "Kommentare moderieren" Funktion dem Server soviel abverlangt das er dabei in die Knie geht.

meiner Meinung nach ist typo3 4.0 das cms welches einem server richtig etwas abverlangt und das rennt ohne probs, wie eigentlich alles ohne probs läuft bis auf diese eine funktion.

ich brauche die funktion nicht und werde deswegen auch nicht meinen server uppen.

finde das alles aus meiner sicht nur sehr merkwürdig :gruebel: :gruebel: :gruebel:

so long maverik


Moin :)

das ist nicht merkwürdig, sondern einfach nur neu und ungewohnt.

In mySql 4.0 wurden Union-Abfragen eingeführt, die aber in unsicheren Scripten, wie phpnuke zu sehr viel Unheil führen können (Stichwort sql-injection) und deswegen bisher (fast) nirgends verwendet wurden. In manchen CMS wird deren Ausführung sogar radikal geblockt.

Diese Unions fragen eben mit einer Anweisung nicht nur eine Tabelle gleichzeitig ab sondern mehrere und brauchen deswegen eben etwas mehr resourcen. Sie sparen aber im Gegenzug wieder mehrere Dutzend Zeilen php-Code und x-verschiedene Schleifen durch das Abfrageergebnis.

Es geht hier auch nicht um den Server als Webserver, sondern um den mySql Server und da haben wir schon die verrücktesten Ergebnisse erlebt.

Sagen wir es ganz krass:
Wenn der mySql Server das nicht verkraftet, dann ist er eben für das Script nicht geeignet. Das muss keine Fehlkonfiguration sein. Der Server ist vielleicht nur in eine andere Richtung optimiert, weil diese Form von SQL-Befehlen bisher nicht verwendet wurden. Ich sehe das Kommentar-Script jetzt einfach mal als Härtetest für künftige Entwicklungen. Dass es nicht auf allen Servern läuft war von vornherein klar. Es benötigt mindestens mysql 4.x. Mit 3.x, wie es noch auf manchen Servern läuft, ist da nix zu machen.
Es wird auch dahingehend auch nicht geändert. Das Script ist neu und verlangt eben einigermassen aktuelle Software.
schön´s Grüssle, Andi