No access to index.php

Begonnen von diabolo, 06 November 2006, 21:50:13

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Hi pragmamx team  ;)

A french user have a strange problem with is website for a new install 0.18.1

All is good and for some another module

But it can't access to index

Any idea ?

I can pm phpinfo
This users have tried with several ftp software.

thx ;)


Hi diabolo :)

sorry for the late answer....

hmmmm, no idea :(
Only: is there a .htaccess file in the mx-root, or in a parent folder?

Yes, please give me access to phpinfo().
Maype additional ftp access?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hi :)

thx for the phpinfo() :)

but i think it's a problem from apache-configuration, not from php.
Maybe there is a endless redirection for index.php.

Please check, what results, when you rename the index.php to index33.php and get access to

waaaaaaaaa, bad english....  :-\
schön´s Grüssle, Andi