My site has been HACKED

Begonnen von loucian, 07 Juni 2002, 09:57:24

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my site has been hacked. I cannot loggin to my admin and i see this message:
How can i protect my site????????? Please help :cry


you can change your PW by mysq DB look for nuke_authors and change the needings
most important is to set in nuke_authors superuser = 1
thats ist but i don't think that youre side is been hacked
sorry about my bad english


What do u mean my site hasnt been hacked????? I cannot loggin to my admin page and instead an ungly face with eyes that watching at me says "Get Out!"....See it here:
Please tell me someone what to do. Should i call to my host and report that?

Your Site isn't hacked!!!
I see the normal Admin-Login-Site.
Delete your Cookies...

no no no it is hacked. The normal admin page appears only for some seconds and then i get the message from the hacker


an ungly face with eyes that watching at me says "Get Out!"

this is for security reson if I go to your login it is shown without the message

kill your cookies and it would work

sorry about my bad english



No i deleted my cookies but it was still there. I called to my Host and i gave my password and they shooted him out. It was really a hacker in my site. Also i was receiving some mails that i never send. Those mails were coming back because they do not find a destination. He probaply hacked my mail server and used my send mail. Is there a security protection i should take. I am afraid to lost all my site one day.



Yes you are right . My host loggined to my site as admin and then i was able to loggin correctly to my admin. So it was a cashe and cookies problem. But i saw that message with these eyes on my site( that was telling me "Get out " and i was skared.
So now i can sleep well on nights...pffff
Thanks guys ;)


Hi loucian,
the getoutpage is a securityfeature from nuke, normally it appears when you logged out as admin and relogin on the next screen.

Normally if you close all browserwindows and reopen your site you can login whithout the getoutmessage ... please check it out when the eyes appears again.[Bearbeitet am: 7/6/2002 von Admin FrankySZ]
greets Franky