Ich verstehe not much, wie mus ich das tun?

Begonnen von Ouarda, 12 März 2006, 14:58:15

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Wie muss ich doch die avatarmodul installieren, ich verstehe nicht so gut deutsch und ich weis nicht wie oder wass...
Ich habe die avatarmodul downloaded und ich habe meine ftp...und?  :-\
Ich habe auf die handleitung gelesen aber das ist wie chinesish fur mich  :-[


what language do you prefere...?
I could explain you all steps in english..
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Ow my god somebody who can explain it to me  8)

well in english would be fine, but french is also good, anything but deutsch :D, I never learned that very well at school! :-[


ok, well..my france isn't that good :D

At First you have to create the following directorys:
- images/member_avatar (should exists, CHMOD 777)
- images/member_avatar/temp (CHMOD 777)

After that you have to Upload all Files in /html (see .rar Archiv) and "Extramodule und Anpassungen/html" to your pragmaMX installation! (a few files should be replaced).

Now you can start the SQL installation proccess by open this URL: www.your-site.com/modules.php?name=Avatar&file=install (make sure you are logged in with administrative privilegs, and have activated the Modul "Avatar" in "modul administration"".)

All necessary tables should be created and you can now use the software...
Ahm, there isn't an english language file but I believe anyone did an france translation @ www.pragmamx.fr!

I hope you understand my bad english :D

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Ok I have member_avatar, and I have also member_avatar/ temp...both 777.

Than I want to make the upload avatar work, so what do I do?

I copy avatar from html and put it in...? In what?

Do I have to copy something else too?



Hi, sorry for my late response ;)
You have to copy the contents of /html (of both directorys (html AND "Extramodule und Anpassungen/html") , to your base dir (root) on your FTP Server / (or where your pragmamx installation is located).
After that you go to the next step in my post bevor...
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