Picture instead of link

Begonnen von diabolo, 03 März 2006, 18:37:02

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I 've do that for download module:

I've edit index.php in modules/download

line 1644 i've replace by:
. "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid=$lid\">".mxCreateImage("images/download/download.png", _DOWNLOADNOW)."<br>[ <b>" . _DOWNLOADNOW . "</a></b> ]"

Is working but this code is correct with .mxCreateImage ??


Hi Diabolo :)

yes, it seems to be correct  ;) :thumbup:

the function mxCreateImage has 5 parameters:

1. the complete path to the local image
2. a String for the alt and title attribute
3. border arround the image 1=yes, 0 =no
4. a string for more image-tag attributes, example 'align="left"'
5. shows the image tag in xhtml-style <img />,  1=yes, 0 =no

full example:
mxCreateImage("images/logo.gif", "alternate Text", 0, 'align="left"', 1);

create the following iamage Tag:

<img src="images/logo.gif" width="249" height="49" alt="alternate Text" title="alternate Text" border="0" align="left" />
schön´s Grüssle, Andi