Kalendar Settings

Begonnen von PaulK, 16 Mai 2002, 21:52:29

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Andi / Everyone

I try to find the answer but my german is no good :(

Can you change the names of the catagories ?

and change the date to dd/mm/yyy?

I have no idea?


Hi Paul,

have you installed the new module from our Website?
Or do you using the original module from the nuke vkp5.5?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


I am using vkp55 and I think EVERY update for EVERYTHING thanks to Tequila

So think, most recent version from here :)


I dont know if you are using the new module it isn't in the vkp and not in the updatepack.
If you are using the new module, there are the settings for the categories and dateformat in the language files. In the old version are this settings in the config.php from the calendar. For the dateformat, there is no setting:(

If you have not the new module, you can download it here . This module is better to configure ;)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hi Andi,

I am using the latest version already, so I will look in the language files as you say.

Thanks for the tip



All working, you guys are the BEST !!!


Hi Paul,

you must change this settings/variables:
Zitat####### description of event dots color ###  idee by flobee #######
define("_CALdotcolorall","all events");    // desription of all Events (no colordot)
define("_CALdotcolorred","category 1");    // desription of the red dot
define("_CALdotcolorgreen","category 2");  // desription of the green dot
define("_CALdotcolorblue","category 3");   // desription of the blue dot
define("_CALdotcolorwhite","category 4");  // desription of the white dot
define("_CALdotcoloryellow","category 5"); // desription of the yellow dot

####### locale time-format variables #######
define("_CALLONGDATEFORMAT","%A, %B %d, %Y");
define("_CALINTERNATIONALDATES",0);    //0 = mm/dd/yyyy, 1 = dd/mm/yyyy
define("_CALTIME24HOUR",0);  // 1 = 24 hour time... 0 = AM/PM time
define("_CALTIMEFORMAT","%I:%M %p"); # ? AM/PM time
define("_CALWEEKBEGINN",0);      # the First Day in the Week: 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday

greetings.... :)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


ZitatAll working, you guys are the BEST !!!

Thanks for your Feedback  :D
It's nice to help you!

[Bearbeitet am: 16.5.2002 von SiteAdmin Andi]
schön´s Grüssle, Andi

Hi Andi,
Ich hab ein Problem die Variablen defines zu finden... die gibt es bei mir nicht.
hab gestern das Callendar Modul aus dem Download bereich gezogen... kannst du mir helfen?

Ich kann z.B. nicht das Wochenstarttag auf Montag setzen... vielelicht hab ich doch ne falsche version.

Danke im Vorraus

Sorry heiße übrigens Flo