What is to be done to have the some Calendar of you

Begonnen von FIGHTER_KARAN, 09 März 2002, 11:44:41

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Hello,  :)
(i speak French and english but not German)

What is to be done to have in the home page the some calendar of you ??


Thanks you for your Answers  :)

my site is http://www.clan-str-karan.fr.st/

bye :)


Hi Fighter,
you can download the calendar that we use in our Downloadsection phpNuke/Modules
But how i see, you've installed our vkp included the calender, so what is your problem with the calendar?
greets Franky

this is fighter_karan

My problems, is

i don't see the details of Calendar in the Left menu, i see the sample links only

i want to see  this box    :cry

Please said to me what is to be done to have ??


Hi fighter,

please go into your AdminSection - blocks and search in your list for the calendar-block, if it is in the main list of blocks please check if it was actvated, best for all languages and all users.
If the block isn't listed you can choice it under "filename" to insert and activate at the bottom of the Admin-Blocksection.
greets Franky


Thanks you, for this answer, because i don't know how to do this...

And i thinks i don't the only people do not to know ....




Hi fighter,

btw only login on our second site too with your account of us its run on both sites:-) but you've only one cookie for one site:-)

and no prob, if you've other probs please post again here:)
greets Franky