Letzte 10 Forumseinträge im Account

Begonnen von alea, 29 September 2005, 19:48:37

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.



ich weiß, dass das Thema schon mal behandelt wurde, aber ich kann heute einfach nichts dazu finden...

Ich habe folgendes Problem:
Ich möchte, dass im Userprofil seine letzten 10 Forumsbeiträge zum Anklicken angezeigt werden. Das Account ist bei mir erweitert; es "läuft" also über die mx_userfunctions_options.php - Datei

In diese habe ich gleich nach ///private Nachrichten (Zeile 691) folgendes eingefügt (etw2as weiter unten..):

   // private Nachrichten

   if ($privmsgactive) {
      if (!$istheuser){
         echo "<br>";
         echo "<center><br>";
         $xuname = (mxIsUser() || mxIsAdmin()) ? $uinfo['uname'] : "";
         "&lt;form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"post\"&gt;"
       ."&lt;input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"Private_Messages\"&gt;"
       .""._USENDPRIVATEMSG.": &lt;input type=\"text\" name=\"to_user\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"25\" value=\"$xuname\"&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
       ."&lt;input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"send_to\"&gt;"
       ."&lt;input type=\"submit\" name=\"submita\" value=\"Go\"&gt;"
###########eboard forumeinträge###
$result = sql_query("select pid, tid, message from ".$prefix."_eboard_posts where author='$uname' order by pid DESC limit 0,10", $dbi);
if (sql_num_rows($result)&gt;0){
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>Die letzten 10 Einträge im E-Forum von $uname:</b><br>";

     while(list($pid, $tid, $message) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {
   if (sql_num_rows($result)&gt;0){

       $res = sql_query("select subject from ".$prefix."_eboard_threads where tid='$tid'", $dbi);
       list($title) = sql_fetch_row($res, $dbi);
        echo "<li><a href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=eboard&file=viewthread&tid=$tid\">".substr ($message, 0,50)."...</a> aus dem Beitrag: <a href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=eboard&file=viewthread&tid=$tid\">$title</a><br>";


###########Xforum einträge###
$result = sql_query("select pid, tid, message from ".$prefix."_Xforum_posts where author='$uname' order by pid DESC limit 0,10", $dbi);
if (sql_num_rows($result)&gt;0){
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>Die letzten 10 Einträge im X-Forum von $uname:</b><br>";

     while(list($pid, $tid, $message) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {
   if (sql_num_rows($result)&gt;0){

       $res = sql_query("select subject from ".$prefix."_Xforum_threads where tid='$tid'", $dbi);
       list($title) = sql_fetch_row($res, $dbi);
        echo "<li><a href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=Xforum&file=viewthread&tid=$tid\">".substr ($message, 0,50)."...</a> aus dem Beitrag: <a href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=Xforum&file=viewthread&tid=$tid\">$title</a><br>";

##########end forums einträge##################

   // Listings
   $result1 = sql_query("select tid, sid, subject from ".$prefix."_comments where name='".mxAddSlashesForSQL($uinfo['uname'])."' order by tid DESC limit 0,10");
   $view1 = sql_num_rows($result1);
   $result2 = sql_query("select sid, title from ${prefix}_stories where informant='".mxAddSlashesForSQL($uinfo['uname'])."' AND `time` &lt;= now() order by time DESC limit 0,10");
   $view2 = sql_num_rows($result2); (geht noch weiter....)

Mein Problem: es zeigt sich rein garnichts im Userprofil.

Weiß jemand, woran das liegen könnte?

Danke für jegliche Hilfe.

P.S. Ich hoffe, das Rot ist nicht zu krass für die Augen, aber ich wollte, dass sich das Eingefügte gut abzeichnet :)


Hi :)

habe zwar nen Verdacht, aber....

Schalte mal den Debugmodus an und schaue dann was bei der Profilanzeige für Fehlermeldungen kommen.
Hier dann bitte posten.. ;)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


äääähhhh...was ist denn bitte ein Debugmodus? Wie wird er eingeschalten?


 :) ;)

Adminmenü > Einstellungen > Debug-Modus aktiv? = JA (ziemlich unten)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi



Denke dass bei dir die klein bzw grossschreibung nicht passt!
Also aus eboard -&gt; eBoard und xforum -&gt; weiss cniht genau

"Debug-Mode" einschalten.
"SQL-Fehler anzeigen" einschalten
und evt. auftauchende Fehlermeldungen posten .


Nein, die Klein- und Großschreibung stimmt..hab ich schon überprüft.

Also die Fehlermeldungsliste ist...enorm:


vkpMX Debug-Mode, PHP Error-Reporting (E_ALL) enabled
GET: Array
    [op] =&gt; Configure
    [ok] =&gt; 11763

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: sel in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 50

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined variable: topic in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/themes/BricK/theme.php on line 47


Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 28

Notice: Constant _CHARSET already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 39

Notice: Constant _DELETE already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 70

Notice: Constant _SAVE already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 73

Notice: Constant _CHANGE already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 74

Notice: Constant _SEND already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 84

Notice: Constant _PASSWORD already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 118

Notice: Constant _NORMAL already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 122

Notice: Constant _STATUS already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 134

Notice: Constant _NEWINSTALL already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 230

Notice: Constant _YES already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 269

Notice: Constant _NO already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 270

Notice: Constant _UPDATED_ROOM already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 308

Notice: Constant _DELETED_ROOM already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 309

Notice: Constant _CREATED_ROOM already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 310

Notice: Constant _FILENAME already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 317

Notice: Constant _UPDATED_SOUND already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 328

Notice: Constant _DELETED_SOUND already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 329

Notice: Constant _NICKNAME already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 373

Notice: Constant _EMAIL already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 377

Notice: Constant _OCCUPATION already defined in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/language/lang-german.php on line 381

Notice: Use of undefined constant pnModGetVar - assumed 'pnModGetVar' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/inc/init.inc.php on line 5

Notice: Undefined variable: ModName in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/modules/SPChat/inc/functions-phpnuke-only.inc.php on line 662

Notice: Use of undefined constant typ - assumed 'typ' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 112

Notice: Use of undefined constant bgcolor1 - assumed 'bgcolor1' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant rid - assumed 'rid' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant bgcolor1 - assumed 'bgcolor1' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant users - assumed 'users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-spchat.php on line 115

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-MenuGerman.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined variable: content in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-MenuGerman.php on line 95

Notice: Use of undefined constant _queue - assumed '_queue' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-MenuGerman.php on line 267

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-Last_10_Adds.php on line 20

Notice: Undefined variable: colorswitch in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-Last_10_Adds.php on line 30

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 17

Notice: Use of undefined constant _users - assumed '_users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 23

Notice: Use of undefined constant _users - assumed '_users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 24

Notice: Use of undefined constant _users - assumed '_users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 25

Notice: Use of undefined constant _users - assumed '_users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 26

Notice: Use of undefined constant _users - assumed '_users' in /www/htdocs/noriht/html/blocks/block-New_Member_Greet_Eng.php on line 27

Hmmm..... dass das Ding überhaupt funktioniert...*wunder*