VKP Installation NOT working

Begonnen von PaulK, 10 Mai 2002, 09:42:28

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I have just installed VKP on my phpnuke site http://goldenpants.net/index.php

I am getting many errors such as:
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/goldenpa/public_html/includes/sql_layer.php on line 235

I made the changes to config.php
I uploaded the files - there were some problems here the image dirs have chmod 555 I had to change it to 777 to upload, then change back to 555

I imported nuke.sql with myphpadmin with success.

Can you take a look and tell me what to do.  I am very desperate/

Thank you VERY much


Hello Paul,
are you sure that the changes in config.php are correct?

$dbhost = "localhost";      Your SQL Database Hostname
$dbuname = "root";      Your SQL Username
$dbpass = "";         Your SQL Password (between the two "")
$dbname = "nuke";      Your SQL Database Name
$prefix = "nuke";      Your Database table's prefix
$user_prefix = "nuke";      Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
$dbtype = "MySQL";      Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
            MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL_local, ODBC,
            ODBC_Adabas, Interbase, and Sybase.
            Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!

It seems to be a problem with the database settings.

sorry, my english is not the best :)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Thank you so much, I was sure I had updated the file, but I made a very small spelling mistke.

All OK Now!

You guys are the best!!!



 :D :D :D

I'm so happy, that i can help you

Greetings from Germany !!  :)
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hello again

I have lost all my users / data / etc

I have a Back Up DB, How Can I import it?  Or do I need to start again?

Thank you again, and your english is Fine :)


Hello Paul,
be carefull, the vkp is not a update!!

From witch version have you upgradet?

Is there much content in your old db, or only the users?
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


Hi Andi

Thanks for the warning!

I am/was running PHP-Nuke 5.5

I have about 20 users, 4 forums with about 4 messages in each, 4 annoucements.  That's about all I have only been running for a couple of weeks!

It's my users I am most owrried about



Hi Paul,  :)
the Usertable is an easy problem. The Table is the same as in the normaly Nuke5.5.
If you have dumped the old db with phpMyadmin, then search in this dumpfile for the line "INSERT INTO nuke_users VALUES ......" .
Insert all the lines with this beginning in your new db.:)
With the forum it's not so easy, the original nuke-forum-tables are not compatible with the xmb-forum-tables :(
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


I used the Backup DB function from the admin.php

Do I just import this to my nuke db in myphpadmin like I did for nuke.sql when I instsalled vkp?

Sorry I keep asking questions am new to VKP


ZitatDo I just import this to my nuke db in myphpadmin like I did for nuke.sql when I instsalled vkp?

Hi Paul,

yes, i think it's the same. But  only the lines with "INSERT INTO nuke_users VALUES ......"

Yor questions are ok! We think they help other users too :D
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


 :D :) :D

One last time, I must say thank you.  with you guidance I have upgraded, fixed my teething problems with SQL and restored my user base!

You have made what seemed HUGE problems go away.

Before I go, cna you tell me how I BUY the flash counter as it is excellent!

Your Friend Paul
In Sunny England!


 you get an special Mail in the next 2 hours :)
 Thx that you like this site


HI There

I never got the mail about buying the flash counter, could you send it to Paul@PaulK.com please.
