Kalender (date/time)

Begonnen von , 29 April 2002, 06:47:29

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I have a quick question...

I use the VKP which has the Kalender already installed, but my date is off. I am in the USA and it reads April 29 instead of April 28.

Is his script set to a different time zone and if so, how can I change it to something like GMT time?


P.S. - will register here soon cuz I intead to use many upgrades you have available  ;)


Hi eric,
the calendarmodule used the serverdate where your nuke is hosted, could it be that your server have another date?
A function for selecting the timezone is not included yet but we try to get a workaround for you.
greets Franky

Ah, that's it. I should have figured that out on my own  :D

It is in London. I might have to make a note on it somewhere so people know it is London time.

- Eric