Cannot Administer the Event Queue

Begonnen von ideon, 11 Mai 2003, 16:37:56

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hallo, I have frshly installed the Kalender module, aeverything works fine, the only problem I have is taht I cannot administer the queue of events... The script correctly writest he events and the event_queue to the database. But when i clisk on Calendar option in the adminsection I can see a page with Events, Events Senders atd.. with the option to delete theme.. but whereas in event_queue table I have only 3 items to be confirmed, in this page I hav 24 items but they have no name and the event name says This Event has no title... also insteado of the names of the Event senders I have only nubers like 0,1,2,3...23 and when (so actualy I dont see the items from the cueue but some strange empty list) when i clisk to delete any of this blank items i got this message:

MySQL result resource in /../includes/sql_layer.php on line 286
MySQL result resource in /../includes/sql_layer.php on line 494

when I clisko on the Event Sender Number I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: nav() in /../modules/Your_Account/index.php on line 212

Would, please, anyone know what to do so that I could administer the calendar? It would help me a lot! I am using non nuke_ prefix in the db but it shouldnt be the problem.

Many thanks + best regards from Prague! Martin


Hello Martin,
dear old friend :)

I'll answer on your mail next time....
schön´s Grüssle, Andi


I too am having the same problem.  Can you please email me or tell me how to fix the problem?  This is the best calendar and I would love to continue to use it.



I too having the same problem. There is proberly many people out there who has the problem, so i would preciate if you could help me?